Wednesday, October 2, 2019










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When a situation arises within the organization, the manager is responsible for undertaking appropriate action to resolve it. In this case, the problem is the ship is not following the ordinary course as targeted. If this is a police case, then the manager should not worry because the vessel is under the right hand. If the business is legal, then it means that the patrol officers will release it and the ship will return to its ordinary course[1]. However, if the vessel attacked, the manager is supposed to follow the necessary protocols as set by the company to minimize or curb the effects of the attack. However, the manager does not know what to do because there is no reference to this case; he only received a phone call[2].

Considering the problem can be said to be a moral dilemma. Here, the individual faced with a question of decision-making between two probable ethical imperatives, and none of them is unambiguously preferable or acceptable. In this case, the commanding officer faces the problem where he has to decide upon two cases that he has no reference. Neither of these situations is unequivocally acceptable. If he decides to take measures against an attack, he may find out it was a police case. If he chooses to relax and let the police do their work, he risks the matter to be an attack. In an ethical dilemma, the complication comes in out of the situational conflict where one transgressed if the individual decides to follow the other. If the commanding officer takes the information provided by the first group of engineers, then he will be forced to send the police or other security officials that protect the well-being of the company to the sea. On the other hand, they will be free if the ship is under police officers.

For this moral dilemma, the best advice to the commanding officer to follow the correct protocol as set by the company to help in resolving this dilemma. Since he is not sure whether the ship is under the police or terrorists, then he should follow the correct standards that are set by the company in resolving such an issue. It recommended that the officer uses deontological theory of ethics. This theory believes that firms ought to follow some preset principles, no matter what their consequences are. As opposed to consequentialism, deontology does not consider the results of any action taken[3].  In this case, the commanding officer may opt to send security officials to attack the presumed attackers. He also has the option of letting the vessels alone if they belong to the police. A board meeting should immediately be organized to find a solution to the problem. Whether they are police or terrorists, the board needs to meet and come up with a defined course of action so that they may ensure the supply chain follows the right path. [4]The consequences of the activity undertaken might be functional, but the process may be against the conditions followed within the organization. Therefore, the best thing for the commanding officer to do before sending security officers into the sea is first receiving reliable information from relevant sources so that they may meet with the board and come up with the right course of action while following the appropriate procedures. If the effects considered, the commanding officer will do anything possible to ensure that the ship is protected so that the supplies reach the destination on time and satisfy the needs of the customer and maintain the company's right name. However, this may mean going against some codes of conduct, such as not following the outlined protocol while making the decision, only to save the company's reputation. However, the course of action is critical and what described within the code should be followed without exception. Thus, deontology is the right theory that should guide the correct course of action that the commanding officer will undertake[5].

Kant, a significant proponent of this theory, believed that a moral act follows standard ethical law, such as "do not lie." This theory requires that individuals should only follow preset conditions while carrying out their duties[6]. The approach does not require that an individual weighs between costs and benefits. It helps to avoid possible uncertainty and subjectivity since the individual will be needed to follow a set of rules.

Generally, leadership decision-making, alongside other features and roles that the leadership of the company has provided continuous creativity and crucial new insights into management and leadership activities in all the organizational undertakings. Therefore, any organizational leadership has a significant influence on how moral dilemmas solved. First, the command is responsible for recruiting and hiring new employees. Employees should be experts in their respective fields of study to ensure that they can follow the codes of ethics with ease and that they can deliver the best in case a case of moral dilemma needs resolution. Board members should be influential that they make the most rational decisions ever. Secondly, they educate and train workers on the meaning and importance of ethics and moral behaviors in all their undertakings. For example in the current case, it is unethical that members of the same team are providing conflicting reports of a similar situation. Thirdly, leadership in any organization is responsible for the way finances utilized[7].





Guevara, Daniel. Kant's theory of moral motivation. Routledge, 2019.


Nucci, Larry. "Recovering the role of reasoning in moral education to address inequity and social justice." Journal of Moral Education 45, no. 3 (2016): 291-307.


Pojman, Louis P., Katie McShane, and Paul Pojman. Environmental ethics: Readings in theory and application. Nelson Education, 2015.


Yoon, Cheolho. "Theory of planned behavior and ethics theory in digital piracy: An integrated model." Journal of business ethics 100, no. 3 (2011): 405-417.

[1] CheolhoYoon, Theory of planned behavior and ethics theory in digital piracy, Journal of business ethics 100, no. 3 (2011): 407

[2] Louis P.Pojman,  McShane Katie, and Pojman Paul . Environmental ethics: (Nelson Education, 2015), 95

[3] Daniel Guevara, Kant's theory of moral motivation.( Routledge, 2019), 5.

[4] Larry Nucci, "Recovering the role of reasoning in moral education to address inequity and social justice." Journal of Moral Education 45, no. 3 (2016): 301.

[5] CheolhoYoon, Theory of planned behavior and ethics theory in digital piracy, Journal of business ethics 100, no. 3 (2011): 407


[7] Larry Nucci, "Recovering the role of reasoning in moral education to address inequity and social justice." Journal of Moral Education 45, no. 3 (2016): 301.

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