Monday, November 11, 2019

litrarture last review.edited (2)








Supply chain

Student's name






Maintainable supply chain operations in the automotive industry

 (Case study electric vehicles): Literature review

According to research, there are many digital transformations that the automotive industry has undergone. This will have a significant impact on the supply chain, thus revolutionizing the current systems that are used in delivery. Recently companies in America and Canada have announced that they are almost done with their electric power vehicles and that they only need well equipped electric roads to perform tests to the cars. Currently, companies have placed their orders on electric vehicles even before they are set to be on the streets. This is a significant impact on the roads that will lead to an improvement in the automotive sectors. ( Edrikson, 2016) Consequentially, the coming up of the digitalized vehicles will have a positive effect on the supply chain in many businesses  

Goals of the review

Firstly, it will lead to increased sustainability of many cars. The electric cars will be long-lasting compared to the currently used automobiles. This is because; they release less than 90% of carbon monoxide compared tom the battery using vehicles. This has given them a name green to mean they don't affect the environment so much. Scholars are maintaining that electric cars are the best. (Freyssenet, 2016) Not only do they favor the environment, but also they increase the speeded of supplying goods from the supplier to the market. This shift will reduce negative climate changes, have a positive impact on air condition, and preserve the planet for future generations.

Secondly, after the vehicles have undergone digital transformations, they are made in such a way that they do not destroy roads compared to the other tracks. Their speed levels are also high, leading to faster transportation of commodities. Compared to other more massive records, they have unique types of tires that are made in such a way that they will not be spoiling the roads while transporting commodities. According to research, these vehicles will reduce the road crash by 40%. (Harrison & Van, 2017). This will make the government use little revenue in the making of roads. Other than that, the vehicles will be cost-effective compared to the others that use batteries. In the supply chain of automotive equipment, the spare parts of these vehicles will be much cheaper. This will make the industry thrive since many people will be interested in having the spare parts of the electric cars and in making the electric vehicles. (Gao & Wang, 2018)

 After undergoing digital transformation, they will lead to greater efficiency. The electric vehicles are made in such a way that they can cover a considerable distance so long as there is the availability of electricity. Compared to the other vehicles where the engines typically heat up when a long distance is covered, the electric vehicle engines are produced to cover very long distances. (Schonberger, 2017) Products from far away will, therefore, be easily transported for days without delay on the roads. Other than that, it will reduce the cost of using fuel and renting warehouses for products on the way during transportation. The automotive raw materials that are found at distant machine s will also be able to be transported consequentially.

Lastly, digital transformation includes the programming of different vehicles using computers to work and record information. These vehicles will have a record of the goods that they carry this it will be hard for the rights to get lost easily. It is also important to note that digital transformation in the automotive industry has promoted the supply of various products. These products will be safe in these vehicles. Computer systems will always keep track of the where bouts of the cars.

Effects of digital transformation in the production of electric vehicles

 Computer systems have contributed d so much in the making of the eclectic veh9cles. Machines are used to research various concepts of electricity hence provide ideas on the making of the electric vehicles. Other than that, powerful computers are used to program these vehicles to uphold different tasks. Secondly, the use of modern brakes and light systems that are converted together. In case one makes a break in the car, then the lights also shine, indicating that the vehicle is stopping. This digital transformation has aided in the reduction of accidents on the roads.


Research on the thesis

Firstly we have the introduction of computers in electric vehicles as one of the digital transformations. The cars are programmed by computers such that they cannot be stolen from their owners. Al the cars have a specific motherboard that has the details of the owner; thus, the car cannot be taken. This is a positive transformation that helps in getting thieves.

Secondly, another digital transformation in the automotive industry is the introduction of brake systems that work hand in hand with the lighting system. In case a vehicle comes to an inevitable halt, then the lights show up, indicating that the car might be stopping. This has made cars less prone to accidents. Many people love these brakes systems enc they continue installing them in their vehicles hence promoting the automotive industry.

Thirdly we have the use of a tracker system that is connected in vehicles to know the areas that the car is. Tracker is a system that uses mobile lines in that if t cellular number is dialed, then a message of the where bouts of the vehicle are brought on the phone or the computer. This is a significant transformation that has enabled suppliers to know the whereabouts of their goods and services. They can locate the places their products have reached as they are being transported. The introduction of a tracker has made a significant impact on the automotive industries as many people are really in need of it. Apart from the computer system preventing theft of vehicles, this tracker can also be used.

Lastly, from my point of view, I support the scholars' view of using digital transformations in supply chains of auto motives. Their ideas are very evident and are in line with my research. Most of them support the thesis and argue that in case they are developed, then they will lead to a significant improvement in the supply chain. The automotive industry will also snowball due to the new invention.

Ground summary in relevance

From the first case, computers have enabled the supply chain of the automotive industry to thrive. After the introduction of computers to vehicles, many customers are interested in automated cars. They help to prevent accidents by detecting whether a car is next to another vehicle. Besides, it sends various signals and information to the driver in case fuel is about to finish or if the engine has a problem. This has been a significant boost in the supply chain of the automotive industry, as many customers buy vehicles with installed computers.

Secondly, the creation of electric vehicles has played a significant role in the automotive industry. These vehicles tend to be more productive and efficient compared to ordinary cars. It also important to note that these vehicles are environmentally friendly and that they do waste the environment

Thirdly we have the use of a tracker that has made a significant improvement in this automotive industry. Ever since it was introduced, its sale has been over 50%, and this is a positive impact on the industry. Other than that, it has enabled suppliers to track their goods from various places.

In conclusion, the scholarly approaches about digital transformation in different ways still go ahead to support the thesis above. The making of electric motors will eventually make the suppliers of the automotive commodities make good sales. The supply of these commodities will also increase consequentially.


Logical review

In the year 1800, there were a series of happenings and changes in the automotive industry. The engineers from Hungary and America combined ideas to come up with the first electric vehicle on the road. These vehicles were not made to standard and could not even support its movement for about 10 minutes consecutively in the same way. It was very evident that the car had to be renovated so that it could fit the standards of other batteries using vehicles and even surpass it. (Salvador, 2017) .

Consecutively, in the following years, due to lack of resources, others tried the combination of many batteries to make something that was of high voltage. They made a vehicle that could use multiple cells to work. The car could not work on one battery but was made such that it had to use so much voltage. Due to inadequate resources, the engineers, in this case, decided to use multiple batteries.  This vehicle could support itself and could be used consecutively for some good time. This was an improvement of the previous car. The only problem it had was that the space for carrying the multiple batteries was limited. (Shingo, 2017).

Consequentially, steam was also tried in the electric vehicles. Steam was a renewable source of energy and could be very useful in the making of different electric cars. In this case, it was tried, and it failed. This is because steam could not last long in cold areas. (McDonald, 2016) It was such a hard foe the vehicle to be driven in cold regions for more than 45 minutes consecutively. This was a significant disadvantage as the electric vehicle need to be an all-weather vehicle and should not only be used I areas that have low altitude.

Most importantly, were the gasoline vehicles that came up after the eradication of steam working vehicles? These vehicles were free from errors and could be driven for a reasonable distance before they finally broke down. The gasoline in them made their engines hot, and this was to be cooled off using water. Gasoline vehicles only had one problem. They had to be carefully driven and needed a lot of manual knowledge in the exchange of gears as the car was moving. This made people not to consider it as useful. (Rings, 2017)

After a series of vehicles in the industry, ford came up with the first electric vehicle. It was twice the price of gasoline vehicles; thus, many people could not afford it. This made people still use gasoline using vehicles. As time went by, cars were compared in terms of efficiency and how they could work when powered together. It was found that electric vehicle could work exceptionally well compared to the gasoline ones. (Kampker, 2017). The gears, on the other hand, were so easy to handle did not need too much education to be taught how they were driven.

The consecutive making of these vehicles was essential in the automotive industry. It led to the innovation of so many machines that were used in the first cars. The supply of the many spare parts increased drastically when these vehicles were being innovated (Wang, 2018). It is important to note that the automotive industry took another step in trying to solve the different problems that other vehicles had. Consequentially, the use of previous cars in the transportation of goods became a considerable problem in the industry.  The gasoline vehicles were complicated and hard to drive. They, therefore, took more extended periods on the roads. The emergence of electric cars, which was sufficient and fast, has propelled the supply of goods from the suppliers to the market. (Hensley &Pinner, 2017)



To conclude, the automotive industries have undergone a lot of criticism from various scholars about its benefits. It is also evident that it is boosting the supply chain of different companies in terms of transporting goods faster.  The multiple scholars used their ideas and spoke of how these vehicles are of importance to society.  They have made the automotive industry make a good step in trying to improve its technological prowess. The invention of such cars is of great importance as it has advertised the automotive industry at large. (Rings, 2017) There benefits to the supply chain have also been noticed. They are fast and efficient thus they enable the goods and services in the markets to reach in good time. The developing of electric vehicles has so far had a positive impact on society. 



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