Monday, September 30, 2019

perused it. Truly, I am discussing Leavis' The Great Tradition, first distributed in 1948. The date is significant. It clarifies the focal point of the book, to decide the criticalness of the novel after the war, the nuclear bomb and the inhumane imprisonment. Leavis' focal measure for extraordinary composition, that it has "an essential limit concerning understanding, a sort of respectful receptiveness before life, and a checked good power" is a reasonable response to an age portrayed by the belief systems of despotism and socialism. Where they looked to characterize, control and close down, writing makes, investigate and open up.  George Orwell, in any event, acknowledged what Leavis was attempting to do. He gave the book a thoughtful hearing in his last-ever survey for The Spectator. Orwell was, however, in a minority. Numerous analysts disregarded The Great Tradition, notwithstanding its developing impact. A progression of radio chats on the English epic drew intensely on the work without, Leavis grumbled, recognizing him. Others were out and out threatening and this animosity has persevered for over five decades. 
For about part of the twentieth century, the English artistic convention was parleyed by an analyst whose thoughts changed the scholarly scene of his time, and whose impact waits still. What's more, it's maybe significantly harder to perceive how Leavis, and the artistic basic agreement related with his name, has been cleared aside since his demise in 1978. To comprehend the hold Leavis had over the brains of understudies who became an adult during the 60s and 70s, I need to cite from a meeting given to The Paris Review by the essayist and psychoanalyst, Adam Phillips, in which he portrays the effect of Leavisite educating on his youth, (Leavis, 2011). Leavis was an abstract pundit who regarded English writing as mainstream religion, a sort of answer to what he thought was a post-Christian culture. He had an over the top confirmation about writing. It was passed on to readers that specific books truly did make a difference and that people were associated with some rearguard activity for the significant human qualities in these books. This was passed on effectively – that the best approach to figuring out how to live and to live appropriately was to peruse English writing – and it worked for a lot of people.
 In his prime, his analysis was unmistakable for its firm relationship of writing and profound quality. Having served in the emergency vehicle corps during the principal universal war, he proceeded to pioneer another artistic basic stylish from the mid-1930s when, as a youthful bear, he established the quarterly survey, Scrutiny. Leavis would alter this phenomenally persuasive diary from 1932 to 1953. Simultaneously, he distributed the works that built up his notoriety, New Bearings in English Poetry (1932), Revaluation (1936), the tremendously significant papers from The Common Pursuit (1952) and, before that, maybe his best-known basic articulation, The Great Tradition. In this polemical visit depower, Leavis explained his confidence in a natural association among writing and profound quality, with extraordinary reference to crafted by only five incredible authors, his picked delegates of the incredible custom. Not every person acknowledged the ethical savagery of Leavis' judgment. To some in the scholarly basic foundation, Leavis was utter horror. He, notwithstanding, never faltered in his resistance to what he saw as the paltry and trifler methods for Bloomsbury, continually demanding that "structure" was the author's first obligation, and that books that communicated a lack of concern to "structure" would consistently be less significant.  In the more extensive assessment of the English abstract convention, Leavis never took detainees. He articulated Milton as "insignificant", expelled "the Romantics", and accepted that, after John Donne, there is "no artist we need make a fuss over except for Hopkins and Eliot". 
What's more, when it came to English fiction, Leavis accepted that "some difficult separations are particularly called for". By and by, he asserted it would be a distortion of his perspectives to recommend that, aside from Austen, Eliot, James and Conrad, "there are no writers in English worth perusing".  The knockabout opening section of The Great Tradition is as yet engaging, some of the time stunning, read: Fielding hasn't the sort of old-style differentiation we are welcome to acknowledge him for. He is significant not because he prompts Mr JB Priestley but since he prompts Jane Austen, to value whose qualification is to feel that life isn't long enough to allow of one's giving much time to Fielding or any to Mr Priestley, (Leavis, 2011).  Having, in a manner of speaking, made a sound as if to speak, Leavis proceeds to swat Laurence Sterne as "flighty, terrible and piddling", reject Dickens (at long last reprieved in a later section on Hard Times), announce Wuthering Heights to be "a sort of game", belatedly concede DH Lawrence ("the extraordinary virtuoso within recent memory") to his pantheon, and set everything up for the lofty articles (on Eliot, James and Conrad) that pursue, (Leavis, 2011). These monsters say Leavis, "s recognized by a fundamental limit concerning understanding, a sort of respectful transparency before life, and a checked good power.
The effect of Leavis on the artistic minds of some late twentieth-century scholars is conceivably exemplified by the reaction of his previous understudy, the Man Booker prizewinning writer Howard Jacobson, who admits, in a self-slashing record of his instructional exercises with Leavis, the desolation he endured at the feet of the ace analyst. The work that stressed my ability for veneration most, was The Great Tradition, particularly the opening paper with its reference pretentious of Laurence Sterne. Not because of respect other authors; even though what is once in a while called a comic writer no one ever found Tristram Shandy anything besides as 'silly' as Leavis discovered it, likewise the custom of relentless jocosity it keeps on bringing forth. In any case, different descriptors utilized in Leavis' expulsion – 'untrustworthy' and 'dreadful' – made awkward. 'Flippant' can point to ethics no not as much as indecencies. What's more, awful is not a persuading basic term, similarly as 'pornographer' was never a persuading portrayal regarding Kingsley Amis, (Leavis, 2011).
That challenge had not been tossed when I initially read The Great Tradition, however, there was a less insulting adaptation of it, referred to favourably by Leavis himself, in George Eliot's regret for Casaubon. How horrible to 'be what we call exceptionally instructed but not to appreciate: to be available at this incredible exhibition of life however consistently to be insightful and deadened, goal-oriented and meek, conscientious and diminish located, (Nisbet, 2018). I did not think there was anything there that ought to have given Leavis delay about him. Were not bashful grant and diminish located scrupulosity correctly the deficiencies he found in the Cambridge of which, in the good 'old days, he was the scourge? In any case, shouldn't something be said about us, Johnny-come-latelies to the wars he'd battled in? 'That incredible scene of life', which it is Casaubon's catastrophe to pass up: how had of it would we say we were? What's more, in the last tally, how had of it was Leavis himself when again he shrank from the "terribleness" he found in The Golden Bowl, a novel which, he stated, insulted our 'ethical sense.  
The inquiry has now and then been posed of me whether I didn't discover Leavis' instructing, and the entire environment where we were educated, disheartening – I waver to a state of imagination, however, I can in any event state of profitability. I arrived behind schedule to the composition of books, however, it was the main thing I had needed to do. In any case, I don't consider Leavis in charge of that. To be threatened by the writing you have been instructed to love is no terrible thing: the verification of decent training is not the unembarrassed creation of tosh. There, all in all, numerous things to be said against Leavis: he practised a sort of social oppression; a large portion of his designations for his "incredible convention" weren't English; he was a superior pundit of verse than fiction, etc. That is all valid, no uncertainty. In any case, at last, we should yield that he offered, to the genuine peruser of fiction, a snapshot of praiseworthy lucidity – something that is missing today. As critics put it, so well, toward the finish of his gratefulness, Leavis recounted to a specific anecdote about English writing. It's not alone. Yet, we owe it to him to demonstrate that, up until now, no one has told a superior one, or told it with a more intrepid conviction of why it makes a difference to tell it by any means. 
However, for what reason should a book that offers a nearby perusing of four authors, half of whom are ladies, keep on stirring such anger? The appropriate response lies in the opening sentence. "The incomparable English writers are Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad." (Leavis, 2011, pg.4). There you have it. Clear confirmation that Leavis was an elitist. Be that as it may, continue down the page. He is not stating that these are the main authors worth perusing, only that they are the best. They do not just change the conceivable outcomes of workmanship for specialists and perusers, they likewise advance familiarity with the potential outcomes of life  Furthermore, to be perfectly honest, what's going on with that? It causes the peruser to pay attention and it sets out to say something regarding the characteristics that make incredible writing and why it makes a difference. Give me Leavis to the subject benchmark articulation quickly. He is a pundit not a civil servant; one who opens himself to writing and is shaken by the experience,(Nisbet, 2018). It took him three decades years to deal with D. H. Lawrence, whose name does not show up in those well-known opening words - an exclusion that demonstrates the incredible custom was in no way, shape or form total.  
Indeed a cautious investigation of the book uncovers that a long way from being closed-minded, Leavis was continually contemplating different writers, most strikingly Dickens, and how they fitted into his custom. What he implied by that term was how one author gained from another and, in doing as such, discovered their voice. It was the pundit's business to follow these mind-boggling relations and to evaluate the creator's commitment to the way of life on the loose.  The Great Tradition endures because it declares war in a manner no other work of analysis does. Unfortunately, few try to peruse it through. On the off chance that they did, they would discover unmistakably more to rouse, incite and draw in them than can be found in numerous a present work.

Currently, I am a devoted college student who is anxiously waiting for graduation to start of my investment journey. As a result, I have two different intricate decisions that I will need to undertake to ensure that I make my investment tenure a successful venture in the long-run. My supportive parents have expressed their willingness to allocate me a considerable amount of money for my entrepreneurial and investment advancement. They have mutually agreed that the period following my graduation will be effective for initiating my investment journey to become self reliant. Nonetheless, I have a strong passion in following in the footsteps of my parents. Upon reaching my old age, ranging from 50 years and above, I would like to partner with my spouse in order to have an IRA's that we shall make massive investment towards in order to meet our future financial goals. 
In addition, I will encourage my spouse to ensure that we undertake a 401 K as well as a pension plan with her employer in order to actively save to facilitate the process of achieving our long-term goals such as meeting the expenditures that come with retirement. At such a time, however, it will be critical to assume a predetermined moderate risk with our financial investments in order to ensure that we successfully evade all the risks associated with business that may fail in the long-run. Nonetheless, I have a detailed focus on being more cautious in my investment venture in order to undertake calculative risks while avoiding those that will ruin my business. With the financial support from my parents and my limited knowledge in investment, I hope that I will learn more about investing in assets such as stocks, index funds, currencies, and how the overall market operates so that I can learn to invest wisely and profitably.

Time Horizon
I plan to work for twenty years at most then I will retire. I will purchase a country home and re-invest in the remaining amount. The contract will end in twenty years to reduce the risk of the venture.
Walmart Inc (WMT)
Walmart is a United States based retail firm that runs a wide range of businesses including groceries, departmental stores that offer customers massive discounts, alongside a chain of hypermarkets. The infamous retail firm bears its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. Walmart started its business operations in 1962 upon being founded by Sam Walton. However, the organization was formally incorporated in 1969 and runs over 11, 718 stores across the world. Walmart also claims ownership of numerous clubs in approaximately 28 countries, including Japan, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Facts about Walmart 
The retail company had approaximately 11,389 stores as well as clubs as of July 2019
These businesses are evenly spread in approximately 27 countries across the world and are run under 55 distinct names. 
Walmart ranks as the world's leading organization with approximately US$514.405 billion in terms of revenue. 
Also ranked as the leading retailer of groceries in 2018 (Krishna, 2019).
Three Reasons to Purchase Stock
For the six months ended 31 July 2019, Walmart Inc revenues increased 1 percent to $254.3 billion. Net income before extraordinary items increased from $1.25 billion to $7.45 billion (VDAX, n.d.).
Walmart inc earnings released 15 August 2019 was $130 billion
Walmart is a multinational company with retailers and clubs all around the world.
Three Reasons Not to Purchase Stocks
The retail firm invests in foreign markets which yield mixed outcomes in terms of profits and revenues. For instance, Walmart's investment plans succeeded in key markets such as UK and South America but failed in South Korea as well as Germany. 
Walmart suffers from multiple criticisms as well as lawsuits resulting from different groups including its employees. For instance, employees went on strike in 2012 to protest against the company's discriminative policies (Divine, 2019). Which in return affected the companies workability and income ratio
In July 2019, pro-union memes flooded the Walmart subreddit following the decision of an employee to post confidential information on the subreddit platform.
The Bottom Line
Walmart may not be new to controversy, but it is still a very viable stock to invest. It is a multi-national corporation with retail stores all over the world with an annual turnover of around $130 billion. Moreover, it has diversified its portfolio through clubs and warehouses.
Bank of America Corporation (BAC)
BAC operates as a multinational firm that bears its headquarters in   Charlotte in the state of North Carolina. It's ranked as one of the beneficiaries of the state. It is also operates as the second largest banking firm.  It accounts for more than 10.73% of the deposits received across the country's banking transactions (VDAX, n.d.). This bank's financial services include commercial banking as well as management of customers' wealth. 

Bank of America Corporation Facts
As of 2019, BAC ranked as one of the best investment firms in the contemporary world of business. 
The company's leadership is responsible for taking care of approximately US$1.081 trillion in terms of assets. 
In addition, the bank's asset rates it as the second asset management firm in the contemporary world of business. 
BAC works in all 50 states of America but lacks retail destinations in some predetermined regions. 
Three Reasons to Purchase Stock
For the six months ended 30 June 2018, Bank of America Corporation interest income increased 14 percent to $36.39 billion.
Operating as the sixth public firm in the U.S, BAC had a cumulative sum of $102.98 billion in terms of annual sales in 2018. 
Bank of America corporations has a wide range of clients across the United States as it operates in all 50 states plus more than 40 other countries.
Three Reasons not to Purchase Stock
BAC's significant market share alongside its business operations has attracted different lawsuits, which in turn tarnish its corporate image and reputation. 
BAC was accused by a court in Italy for taking part in a scum alongside having inadequate mechanisms to prevent fraud in April 2011 (VDAX, n.d.). 
Also found liable for seizing stolen property as a result of wrong addresses displayed on their official documents.   

The Bottom Line
Bank of America Corporation stock has had slight hiccups here and there, but the stock seems to rebound rather quickly and then continues to rise again. The bank might face competition from other banks but it is a force to reckon with. I would recommend purchasing the stock but, would probably wait for the inevitable market dip, to maximize my profits.
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investor Shares
The VDAIX shares are appropriate for people looking after sustainable investments. Such investors tend to be tolerant to high risks. This fund has created annual revenue of 8.72% since its introduction. Some of its compatible index entails the company's rising interests. VDAIX aims at portraying the overall price while yielding the inherent performance of associated index by making massive investment of its critical assets in the global common stocks.  
Facts about Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investor Shares 
VDAIX required a total of $3000 as the lowest value of investment as of May 2019. It also charged a total of 0.15% as it's a yearly expense ratio. 
This index fund has approximately 182 stocks alongside $70.1 billion as its average market capitalization value.  
VDAIX also takes the responsibility of compensating customers' high risks with a one month yield of approaximately 1.88%.  
Three Reasons to Purchase the Index Fund
VDAIX attracted a total of 8.72% as its medium yearly returns since its launch. 
VDAIX attains a total of 20.2% return on customers' equity and with its growth rate standing at 3.1%. 
This fund charges approaximately the lowest annual expense ratio of about 0.15% which transforms into about 84% lower when compared to the medium mutual fund that has the same amount of holdings. 
Three Reasons Not to Purchase Index Fund
The investor has no control over holdings in the index fund. Since indexes are a set of portfolios, when a person purchases an index fund, they lack any form of control over stokes lying in their portfolio. There could also be stocks that different customers may be willing to cling to but, they do not have the power to add them to the index fund (Pinsent, 2019; Kennon, 2019). The only option you would have to own them would in the direction of buying the stocks separately from the index fund, which can often be cost-prohibitive depending on the stock.
The historical performance of the fund has been unpredictable this year with rises and consequently a few dips which may discourage an investor.
Interest rates are on the rise. Traditionally, when interest rates rise, the real estate market suffers. When investing in REITs, there is a strong probability that an increase in interest rates will affect index funds. REITs interest rates are expected to rise this year following their recent hiking in 2018 after experiencing decrease in 2017 as illustrated in the graph below;  

The Bottom Line
The VDAIX shares have shown continuous earnings growth in its inception. The year may have caused hurdles but, I believe buying in a dip may be profitable for an investor of the fund.
The Real Numbers:
Walmart Inc (WMT)
I invested $5000 in Walmart stock. When I purchased my stock on January 2, 2019, the cost per share was $98.59. I was able to purchase 50 shares. On June 30, 2019, the stock closed at $92.13. Based on these, numbers I had a Capital Loss of -$6.46 per share (Kennon, 2018). The Total Capital Loss for 50 shares was -$323. The Total Dividends paid per share was $2.08 (0.52 + 0.52 + 0.52 + 0.52). The Total Annual Dividends paid for 50 shares was $104. The Total Return for the year was -$219 or -0.0438%.
Capital Loss per Share: $92.13 - $98.59 = -$6.46
Total Capital Loss: -$6.46 x 50 shares = -$323
Total Dividend Income per Share = 0.52 + 0 .52 + 0.52 + 0.52 = $2.08
Total Annual Dividend Income: $2.08 x 50 shares = $104
Total Dollar Gain: -$323 + $104 = -$219
Total % Gain: -$219/5000 = -0.0438%
Bank of America Corporation (BAC)
I invested $5000 in Bank of America Corporation stock. When I purchased my stock on January 2, 2019, the cost per share was $29.90. people were  able to purchase 167 shares. On June 30, 2019, the stock closed at $24.39. Based on these numbers I had a Capital Loss of -$5.51 per share. The Total Capital Loss for 167 shares was -$920.17. The Total Dividends paid per share was $0.54 (0.15 + 0.15 + 0.12 + 0.12). The Total Annual Dividends paid for 167 shares was $90.18. The Total Return for the year was -$829.99 or -0.166%.
Capital Loss per Share: $24.39 - $29.90 = -$5.51
Total Capital Loss: -$5.51 x 167 shares = -$920.17
Total Dividend Income per Share = 0.15 + 0 .15 + 0.12 + 0.12 = $0.54
Total Annual Dividend Income: $0.54 x 167 shares = $90.18
Total Dollar Loss: -$920.17 + $90.18 = -$829.99
Total % Loss: -$829.99/5000 = -0.166%
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Fund Investor Shares 
With an investment portfolio of 5000$ inVDAIX shares, I made the decision to purchase my index on January 2, 2019, the cost per share was $40.96. I was able to purchase 122 shares. On June 30, 2019, the index closed at $38.78. Based on these numbers I had a Capital Loss of -$2.18 per share. The Total Capital Loss for 122 shares was -$265.96. The Total Dividends paid per share was $0.783 (0.223 + 0.19 + 0.218 + 0.152). The Total Annual Dividends paid for 122 shares was $95.526 (Riquier, 2019).  The Total Return for the year was -$170.434 or -0.034%.
Capital Loss per Share: $38.78 - $40.96 = -$2.18
Total Capital Loss: -$2.18 x 122 shares = -$265.96
Total Dividend Income per Share = 0.223 + 0 .19 + 0.218 + 0.152 = $0.783
Total Annual Dividend Income: $0.783 x 122 shares = $95.526
Total Dollar Loss: -$265.96 + $95.526 = -$170.434
Total % Loss: -$170.434/5000 = -0.034%
For the period January 2, 2019 to June 30, 2019, my stocks, Walmart Inc and Bank of America Corporation together with my index fund, Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investors Shares did not do very well. Walmart had a total return of  -$219 and a total % loss of -0.0438%.Bank of America Corporation had a total return of -$829.99 and a total % loss of -0.166%.Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investor Share had a total return of -$170.434 and a total % loss of -0.034%. WMT and BAC plus VDAIX index were volatile and fluctuated wildly the whole year. Overall I incurred losses in my investments with a total annual return of -$1219.424 (-$219 + -$829.99 + -$170.434) and total % return of 0.0813%.This brings the conclusion of bank of America as the stock with the widest swing in the market price hence this there is a greater possibility of more customers branching to bank of America corporation in comparison to the other two based on the cumulative was ranked the best with more volatile investments as well as stock exchange.In comparison to the other two it's advisable to customers to invest in BAC.

Exercise 7-6 Incremental Analysis and Opportunity Costs [LO 1,2] Finn's Seafood Restaurant has been approached by New England Investments, which wants to hold an employee recognition dinner next month. Lillian Sumner, a manager of the restaurant, agreed to a charge of $72 per person, for food, wine, and dessert, for 175 people. She estimates that the cost of unprepared food will be $36 per person and beverages will be $14 per person.
To be able to accommodate the group, Lillian will have to close the restaurant for dinner that night. Typically, she would have served 190 people with an average bill of $56 per person. On a typical night, the cost of unprepared food is $20 per person and beverages are $17 per person. No additional staff will need to be hired to accommodate the group from New England Investments.
Calculate the incremental profit or loss associated with accepting the New England Investments group.
What was the opportunity cost of accepting the New England Investments group?
Should Lillian have considered any qualitative factors in her decision? Explain
New England Investment Group

Revenue (Total Bill = 72 * 175)


Deduct Food & Beverages (175 * 50)

Net Profit From New England Investment Group

Lost Revenue

Deduct Food & Beverages ($37 * 190)

Net Loss

Incremental Profit From New England Investment Group

Incremental Profit from New England Investment Group = Net Profit from New England Investment Group - Net loss.
An opportunity is the forgone need or thing in order to acquire something. Finn's will pick up an extra $240 as compared to the previous daily business operations. Therefore, the New England Investment Group will have to forego the previous daily business operations in order to acquire an end goal of a net profit. 
Lillian ought to consider the subjective factor that her typical clients may feel like they are being dealt with as not as much as the gathering. In any case, if Lillian has great interchanges with her general clients, that will facilitate that probability. On the off chance that Lillian doesn't do that, she chances the likelihood of losing her customary clients.
Exercise 7-8 Make-Or-Buy Decision [LO 1] The Howell Corporation produces an executive jet for which it currently manufactures a fuel valve; the cost of the valve is indicated below:
                                                                                                              Cost per Unit
Variable Costs
Direct Material:                                                                                       950
Direct Labor:                                                                                           650
Variable Overhead:                                                                                 300
Total Variable Costs:                                                                              1,900
Fixed Costs
Depreciation of Equipment                                                                500
Depreciation of Building                                                                   200
Supervisory Salaries                                                                          300
Total Fixed Costs                                                                             1,000
Total Costs                                                                                       2,900
The company has an offer from Duvall Valves to produce the part for $2,100 per unit and supply 1,000 valves (the number needed in the coming year). If the company accepts this offer and shuts down the production of valves, production workers and supervisors will be reassigned to other areas where, unfortunately, they are really not needed. The equipment cannot be used elsewhere in the company, and it has no market value. However, the space occupied by the production of the valve can be used by another production group that is currently leasing space for $55,000 per year.
Should the company make or buy the valve?
Costs of Manufacturing the Valve Versus Purchasing

Cost per Unit

Variable Costs

Direct Material

Direct Labor

Variable Overhead

Total Variable Costs

Order Quantity

Total Cost of Manufacturing Order

Cost of Purchasing Valve

Cost per Unit


Cost Of Purchasing Valves

Deduct Production Building Lease

Cost of Purchasing Valves

Cost Difference

It will cost $145,000 more to purchase the valve than to manufacture them. The company should continue manufacturing the valves.
Exercise 7-13 Dropping a Product Line [LO 1]. Computer Village sells computer equipment and home office furniture. Currently, the furniture product line takes up approximately 50 percent of the company's retail floor space. The president of Computer Village is trying to decide whether the company should continue offering furniture or concentrate on computer equipment. Below is a product line income statement for the company. If furniture is dropped, salaries and other direct fixed costs can be avoided. In addition, sales of computer equipment can increase by 13 percent without affecting direct fixed costs. Allocated fixed costs are assigned based on relative sales
                                                     Computer Equipment          Home Office Furniture       Total
Sales                                                   $1,400,000                      $1,100,000                   $2,500,000
Less cost of good sold                          900,000                          800,000                        $1,700,000
Contribution margin                              500,000                           300,000                        $800,000
Less Direct Fixed Costs
Salaries                                                 175,000                          175,000                           $350,000
Other                                                    60,000                               60,000                          $120,000
Deduct Allocated Fixed Costs
Rent                                                      13,440                              10,560                             $24,000
Insurance                                              3,360                                2,640                               $6,000
Cleaning                                               3,920                                3,080                               $7,000
President's Salary                                72,800                               57,200                           $130,000
Other                                                   6,720                                5,280                               $12,000
Net Income                                         $164,760                        $ (13,760)                         $151,000

Furniture Line Contribution



Less cost of goods sold


Contribution margin


Less direct fixed costs





Total direct fixed costs


Net Contribution from Furniture


Computer Equipment
 13 % Increase


Less cost of goods sold

Contribution margin

Less direct fixed costs

No increment

No increment

Less allocated fixed costs




President's Salary


Net income

Increase Computer sales by 13%


Drop furniture line


The outcome is keeping the furniture line creates $65,000 and dropping the furniture line and expanding PC deals 13% likewise has an estimation of $65,00. It won't make any difference if the organization keeps or drops the furniture line, the outcome is the same.
Exercise 7-17 Allocating Joint Costs [LO 2]. The American Produce Company purchased a truckload of cantaloupes (weighing 4,000 pounds) for $900.American Produce separated the cantaloupes into two grades: superior and economy. The superior-grade cantaloupes had a total weight of 3,200 pounds, and the economy-grade cantaloupes totaled 800 pounds. American
Produce sells the superior-grade cantaloupes at $0.50 per pound, and the economy-grade ones at $0.20 per pound.
 Allocate the $900 cost of the truckload to the superior-grade and economy-grade cantaloupes using the physical quantity method and the relative sales value method.
Physical Quantity Method

Cost of Cantaloupes

Weight of Cantaloupes



Allocated Costs

Superior-Grade Cantaloupes

Economy-Grade Cantaloupes

Relative Sales Value Method

Sales of superior-grade cantaloupes

Sales of Economy-grade Cantaloupes

Total sales value

Allocation of Total cost

Superior grade cantaloupes

Economy grade cantaloupes

Problem 7-2 Incremental Analysis of Outsourcing Decision [LO 1,2] Oakland College is considering outsourcing grounds maintenance. In this regard, Oakland has received a bid from Highline Grounds Maintenance for $300,000per year. Highline states that its bid will cover all services and planting materials required to "keep Oakland's grounds in a condition comparable to prior years." Oakland's cost for grounds maintenance in the preceding year were $309,000, as follows:
Salary of Three Full-time Gardeners                                               195,000
Plant Materials:                                                                                80,000
Fertilizer                                                                                 80,000
Fuel:                                                                                                12,000
Depreciation of Tractor, Mowers, and Other Misc. Equip:            12,000
Total:                                                                                              309,000
IF Oakland college outsources maintenance, it will be able to sell equipment for $30,000 and the three gardener will be laid off. 

a.) Analyze the one-year financial impact of outsourcing grounds maintenance.
b.) How will savings in the second year differ from those in year one?
c.) Discuss qualitative factors that should be considered in the decision.

Year One Financial Impact

Cost to outsource

Less sale of equipment

Groundkeepers Salaries

Net cost to outsource

Current maintenance cost

(Cost-equipment depreciation)

Net difference

Savings in Second-year

Current cost of maintenance

(Cost-equipment of maintenance)

Cost to outsource

Groundkeepers salaries

Net outsourcing cost

Net savings

The second-year loses the offer of the gear; however, the school still doesn't need to pay the settled cost of the maintenance people's compensations. The school will continue sparing every year, except more in the main year than the next years.

The major subjective factor Oakland needs to take a gander at is the impact on the spirit of different representatives it would have if they somehow happened to give their whole support a chance to group go. Other auxiliary elements would be the loss of direct control over the upkeep teams and a conceivable loss of nature of work because of that loss of control.
Problem 7-14 Joint Costs and Additional Processing [LO 2] Good Earth Products produces orange juice and candied orange peels. A 1,000-pound batch of oranges, costing $500, is transformed using the labor of $50 into 100 pounds of orange peels and 300 pints of juice. The company has determined that the sales value of 100 pounds of peels at the split-off point is $350, and the value of a pint of juice (not pasteurized or bottled) is $0.40. Beyond the split-off point, the cost of sugar-coating and packaging the 100 pounds of peels is $60. The cost of pasteurizing and packaging the 300 pints of juice is $250. A 100-pound box of candied peels is sold to commercial baking companies for $600. Each pint of juice is sold for $1.75.
a.) Allocate joint costs using the relative sales values at the split-off point, and calculate the profit per 100-pound box of sugar-coated peels and the profit per pint of juice. Round to the nearest dollar.
b.) What is the incremental benefit (cost) to the company of sugar-coating the peels rather than selling them in their condition at the split-off point?
c.) What is the incremental benefit (cost) to the company of pasteurizing and packaging a pint of juice rather than selling the juice at the split-off point?
Joints costs

100-pounds of oranges



Orange peels


Sales value at split-off

% based sales

Joint costs allocated


Profit per 100-pound box of peels

Profit per pint of juice


100-pound box of peels

Sales values after coating

Value a split-off

Incremental revenue

Costs for coating

Net incremental benefit of coating

Pint of juice

Sales Value after pasteurization

Value A split-off

Incremental revenue

Costs For Pasteurization

Net Incremental benefit of coating

Incremental benefit per pint of juice

Exercise 8-4: Profit Maximizing Price [l0 1] The editor of Spunk magazine is considering three alternative prices for her new monthly periodical. Her estimate of price and quantity demanded are:
Price                                    Quantity Demanded
$7.95                                   25,000
$6.95                                   31,00
$5.95                                   37,000
Monthly costs of producing and delivering the magazine include $93,800 of fixed costs and variable costs of $2.10per issue.
Which price will yield the largest monthly profit?
Variable cost
Fixed costs




Selling at $6.95 per issue will provide the highest profit

Exercise 8-6: Analyzing a Special Order [l0 1] Power Drive produces a hard disk drive that sells for $175 per unit. The cost of producing 25,000 drives in the prior year was:
Direct Material                                                       $ 725,000
Direct Labor                                                            475,000
Variable Overhead                                                   225,000
Fixed Overhead:                                                     1,500,000
Total Cost:                                                            $ 2,925,00
At the start of the current year, the company received an order for 3,000 drives from a computer company in China. Management Power Drive has mixed feelings about the order. On one hand, they welcome the order because they currently have excess capacity. Also, this is the company's first international order. On the other hand, the company in China is willing to pay only $125 per unit.
What will be the effect on profit of accepting the order?
Because there is excess capacity, the calculations will only use the variable costs as only they are relevant in this case. Fixed costs are not relevant because they won't change due to the order.
Variable Cost per unit

Direct Material per Unit

Direct Labor per Unit

Variable OH per Unit

Total Variable Cost per Unit

Offer From China per Unit

Profit per unit

Profit on 3,00 units

If they accept the order from China, the company's profit margin will increase by $204,000
Exercise 8-9: Cost-Plus Pricing [LO 2] World View is considering production of a lighted world globe that the company would price at a markup of 25 percent above full cost. Management estimates that the variable cost of the globe will be $80 per unit and fixed costs per year will be $240,000.
a.) Assuming sales of 1,200 units, what is the full cost of a globe, and what is the price with a 25 percent markup?
b.) Assume that the quantity demanded at the price calculated in part a is only 600 units. What is the full cost of the globe, and what is the price with a 25 percent markup?
c.) Is the company likely to sell 600 units at the price calculated in part b?

Fixed Cost per unit

Variable cost per unit

Total cost

25% markup on cost

Asking price

Fixed Cost per unit

Variable cost per unit

Total cost

25% markup on cost

Asking price

At $600 per unit, the organization will have an income of $360,000 and at 1,200 units, the organization will have an income of $420,000. A distinction of $60,000. The organization resembles to offer more units at a lower cost rather than fewer units at higher benefit.
Exercise 8-14: Target Costing [LO2] The product design team at New Time Products is in the process of designing a new clock using target costing. Product features in comparison to competing products suggest a price of $35 per unit. The company requires a profit of 30 percent of the selling price.
a.) What is the target cost per clock?
b.) Suppose it appears that the clocks cannot be manufactured for the target cost. What are some of the options that the company should consider?
Target asking price

Target costs

Target profit(30%)

The target cost per clock is $24.50.
In request to lessen the expenses of assembling the clock, the organization can consider various things. To begin with, outsourcing the assembling of the clock to a producer who has to bring down general costs, looking to discover bring down material expenses, and breaking down where any bottlenecks in the assembling procedure are and redressing them, accordingly enhancing the productivity of the procedure
Exercise 8-18: Activity-Based Pricing [LO 3] Refer to the information in exercise 8-17. For the coming year, The Triumph Corporation has told Julius Company that it will be switched to an activity-based pricing system or it will be dropped as a customer. In addition to regular prices, Julius will be required to pay:
Order Processing (per order)                                                                $11
Additional Handling Costs If Order Marked Rush (per order)          $20
Technical Support Calls (per call)                                                       $21
From 8-17:
Sales                                                                                                $22,000
Number of Orders                                                                             170
Percent of Orders Marked Rush                                                        80%
Calls to Technical Support                                                                 90
Order Processing                                                                                 $9
Additional Costs If Order Marked Rush (per order)                            $11
Technical Support Calls (per call)                                                         $13
Relationship Management Costs (per customer, per year)                    $1,800
a.) Calculate the profitability of the Julius Company account if the activity is the same as in the prior year.
b.) Is it realistic to expect Julius' activity to be the same this year as the previous year if activity-based pricing is instituted? How might Julius Company react to the new pricing scheme? How might its order behavior change as a result of the new fees?

Current Year


Revenue from extras

Order processing

Rush orders

Technical calls

Technical Revenue

Total costs

Cost of goods sold

Order processing costs

Rush orders costs

Technical calls costs

Relationship management cost

Total costs

Total profit on Julius company

It is not likely that Julius will have an indistinguishable movement from they did the year earlier because action based evaluating tends to drive those exercises down. Julius will start checking their exercises and keep them to a base. Notwithstanding, this will likewise work to Triumph's support as the fewer exercises from Julius will likewise mean the less expenses caused. In the event that the movement continues as before as a year ago, Triumph will really make a benefit as opposed to losing cash as they did precede that.
Problem 8-11: Analyzing Customer Profitability [LO 3] Lauden Conference Solutions specializes in the design and installation of meeting and conference centers for large corporations. When bidding on jobs, the company estimates product cost and direct labor for installers and marks up the total cost by 35 percent. On a recent job for Orvieto Industries, the company set its price as follows:
Production Costs Including Podiums, Seating, Lighting, Etc.              $ 175,000
Installer Salaries                                                                                    25,000
Total Costs:                                                                                            200,000
Markup at 35%                                                                                       70,000
Bid Price                                                                                                $ 270,000
The job turned out to be a big hassle. Orvieto requested 25 change orders, although the dollar value of the products it requested changed very little. The company also returned 33 items that had extremely minor flaws (scratches that were barely visible and would be expected in normal shipping). Orvieto also requested seven meetings with designers taking 40 hours before its plan was finalized. Normally, only two or three meetings are necessary. Alison Jackson, controller for Lauden, decided to conduct a customer profitability analysis to determine the profitability of Orvieto. She grouped support costs into three categories with the following drivers.
Driver                                                  Annual Value of Driver                                   Annual Cost
Change orders                                 850 change orders                               $212,500
Number of returns                          1,000 product returns                          70,000
Design meeting hours                     1,300 meeting hours                           78,000
a.) Calculate the indirect service costs related to the job performed for Orvieto Industries.
b.) Assuming that Orvieto Industries causes a disproportionate amount of indirect service costs, how should Lauden deal with this situation?
Annual cost
Cost per Unit

Change orders
Change orders

Number of returns
Product Returns

Design meeting hours
Meeting hours

Cost per Unit
N number of units
Total cost

Change orders

Number of returns

Design meeting hours

Total Indirect Service Costs

If Orvieto Industries is using services at a disproportionate rate, Lauden could charge Orvieto an activity-based rate. Because of this Orvieto may use less of the services thus clearing up time for Lauden's other customers.
Internal customer service…………………………………………………3
Analysis of the internal customer services……………………….3
 Culture of the company………………………………………….3
Information available for recruitment and retaining employees…3
Feelings of the people about work in the company………………4
External and customer relationship………………………………………4
Operations ……………………………………………………5
Analytical data……………………………………………….7


Champion site prep construction company was found in 1985 in Texas and has been in the business for more than 30 years. It is located in Georgetown in the United States. The company deals with excavation work, development of various sites and earth working services and deals with large scale projects in the central part of Texas. The company mainly targets Hospitals, building offices, Schools, commercial retails, subdivisions and the development of commercial sites. That company has done many projects more than 1,500 all over Texas. Besides, many customers have been satisfied too in the projects of the company.

Internal customer services

The company emphasizes much on teamwork, productivity, and skills among the workers to achieve its desired goals (Dornbus, 2017). It provides a conducive environment for teamwork to attain desirable results and plans for better production. The sales attainment and the satisfaction of customers are achieved through the interaction of the planning team, production team, and external sales. In the management of internal customer services, the application of an effective program is paramount in that it is all about the attitude. Besides, this will help you find out for the needs of your colleagues. The company has different approaches to fostering a culture focusing on the inside customers. These are:
Starting with feedback- Here, the company sets up an internal customer training on better practices and changing their attitudes. The company must know the current position of an employee and what they are doing.
Creation of service standards- The Company will come up with inside customer service standards that will give employees a baseline on how they are expected to work. The standards will, in turn, help the company and the team feel recognized and valued and hence setting an example for others to emulate and hence save time.
Their follow-up is Closed-loop – They use this in changing negative situations to positive. The principle also helps in the creation of a conducive working environment.
Success celebration – Here, the company motivates the employees by celebrating their good work. The principle starts at the top positions like managers and directors and this will encourage employees in practicing the same behavior and hence enhance the creation of a conducive and productive working environment.
The organization uses interviews and the hiring websites available online. Their interviews are friendly to employees and thus favor them in job recruitment. Also, the websites available online are to ensure that all the job seekers get an opportunity to apply for the job since Champion site prep is an equal opportunity. Besides, Champion site prep is an organization serving many employees who are dedicated to the provision of high-quality tasks, offering high-class customer services, the betterment of lives of employees, and the surrounding communities that it serves. It is an equal opportunity employer. Nonetheless, people feel excited, enjoy job opportunities and growth (Hoffman , 2018). Again, there is the dedication of people to others in the company. On the other hand, there are long working hours and the employees get exhausted.
The company's practices on customer relationship management include guidelines, principles, and practices that guide an organization in approaching customers through sales and processes related to services, customer's analysis, and behavior. Also, helps in the achievement of the customer's total experiences.
Types of customer relationship in Champion Site Prep include:
Customer Relationship Management software- This is where the customer's information is summed in one place hence giving easy data access. For example purchase history, contact data and prior contact with customer representative services. This information enables employees to interlude with clients, customer needs, performance goals, and known customer updates (Mason,2019). CRM software makes the conversation more productive and efficient. Besides, it reduces the time of a customer that is spent in the fulfillment of the request.
 CRM cloud solution- This is a system that is based in clouds that gives the right time to the salespeople both in the office and in the field in the presence of internet connection. The system improves the accessibility of customer's information and excluding challenges relating to its installation process applied with other CRM software. Nonetheless, in situations where the system is gaining, the access to the customer information may be surrendered. A business may develop problems when it moves to another vendor for this type of software.
services that the company offers include excavation work, development of various sites and earth working services and deals with large scale projects. They advertise their products through their online websites. The company interacts with the external customer service through answering them their questions in a polite and friendly manner and also helps them with purchases. For example, a service related to who can guide a customer on how to acquire a product is engaging himself/herself in the external customer services. The company used the website for advertising its products and services. On the other hand, B2B customers, consumers, and internal employees' customers are similar to website advertisements and services. Champion site Preps analyses its data by integrating the technology. They integrated the right decision support software and technology And this method saved time as it avoided the fragmentation of the insights. The company is loyal to its employees. They used a tier system in rewarding the initial loyalty and the encouragement of more purchases. This has led to the company's performance.

In conclusion, the employees should be motivated by the company for better performance. Motivation can be done by rewarding them basing on the feedback and promoting them in jobs. Besides, people gave varying ideas about how the company benefits them. Their ideas were both positive and negative like opportunities available in that the company has created for the people and the issue of long working hours respectively. As for advice to Champion site Prep company, it should keep checking the upward and onward and taking care of those people that have invested in themselves so much.

Works Cited
Dornbush, K. AP U.S. History 2017-2018. Simon & Schuster, 2017.
Hoffman, D. PHR, SPHR, SHRM-CP, & SHRM-SCP Exam Prep: 700 Practice Prep, Exam Prep, Practice Question. Daniel Hoffman, 2018.
Mason, D. Exam Prep for: Vietnam Company Laws and Regulations Handbook. Rico Publications, 2019.

have perused it. Truly, I am discussing Leavis' The Great Tradition, first distributed in 1948. The date is significant. It clarifies the focal point of the book, to decide the criticalness of the novel after the war, the nuclear bomb and the inhumane imprisonment. Leavis' focal measure for extraordinary composition, that it has "an essential limit concerning understanding, a sort of respectful receptiveness before life, and a checked good power" is a reasonable response to an age portrayed by the belief systems of despotism and socialism. Where they looked to characterize, control and close down, writing makes, investigate and open up.  George Orwell, in any event, acknowledged what Leavis was attempting to do. He gave the book a thoughtful hearing in his last-ever survey for The Spectator. Orwell was, however, in a minority. Numerous analysts disregarded The Great Tradition, notwithstanding its developing impact. A progression of radio chats on the English epic drew intensely on the work without, Leavis grumbled, recognizing him. Others were out and out threatening and this animosity has persevered for over five decades. 
For about part of the twentieth century, the English artistic convention was parleyed by an analyst whose thoughts changed the scholarly scene of his time, and whose impact waits still. What's more, it's maybe significantly harder to perceive how Leavis, and the artistic basic agreement related with his name, has been cleared aside since his demise in 1978. To comprehend the hold Leavis had over the brains of understudies who became an adult during the 60s and 70s, I need to cite from a meeting given to The Paris Review by the essayist and psychoanalyst, Adam Phillips, in which he portrays the effect of Leavisite educating on his youth, (Leavis, 2011). Leavis was an abstract pundit who regarded English writing as mainstream religion, a sort of answer to what he thought was a post-Christian culture. He had an over the top confirmation about writing. It was passed on to readers that specific books truly did make a difference and that people were associated with some rearguard activity for the significant human qualities in these books. This was passed on effectively – that the best approach to figuring out how to live and to live appropriately was to peruse English writing – and it worked for a lot of people.
 In his prime, his analysis was unmistakable for its firm relationship of writing and profound quality. Having served in the emergency vehicle corps during the principal universal war, he proceeded to pioneer another artistic basic stylish from the mid-1930s when, as a youthful bear, he established the quarterly survey, Scrutiny. Leavis would alter this phenomenally persuasive diary from 1932 to 1953. Simultaneously, he distributed the works that built up his notoriety, New Bearings in English Poetry (1932), Revaluation (1936), the tremendously significant papers from The Common Pursuit (1952) and, before that, maybe his best-known basic articulation, The Great Tradition. In this polemical visit depower, Leavis explained his confidence in a natural association among writing and profound quality, with extraordinary reference to crafted by only five incredible authors, his picked delegates of the incredible custom. Not every person acknowledged the ethical savagery of Leavis' judgment. To some in the scholarly basic foundation, Leavis was utter horror. He, notwithstanding, never faltered in his resistance to what he saw as the paltry and trifler methods for Bloomsbury, continually demanding that "structure" was the author's first obligation, and that books that communicated a lack of concern to "structure" would consistently be less significant.  In the more extensive assessment of the English abstract convention, Leavis never took detainees. He articulated Milton as "insignificant", expelled "the Romantics", and accepted that, after John Donne, there is "no artist we need make a fuss over except for Hopkins and Eliot". 
What's more, when it came to English fiction, Leavis accepted that "some difficult separations are particularly called for". By and by, he asserted it would be a distortion of his perspectives to recommend that, aside from Austen, Eliot, James and Conrad, "there are no writers in English worth perusing".  The knockabout opening section of The Great Tradition is as yet engaging, some of the time stunning, read: Fielding hasn't the sort of old-style differentiation we are welcome to acknowledge him for. He is significant not because he prompts Mr JB Priestley but since he prompts Jane Austen, to value whose qualification is to feel that life isn't long enough to allow of one's giving much time to Fielding or any to Mr Priestley, (Leavis, 2011).  Having, in a manner of speaking, made a sound as if to speak, Leavis proceeds to swat Laurence Sterne as "flighty, terrible and piddling", reject Dickens (at long last reprieved in a later section on Hard Times), announce Wuthering Heights to be "a sort of game", belatedly concede DH Lawrence ("the extraordinary virtuoso within recent memory") to his pantheon, and set everything up for the lofty articles (on Eliot, James and Conrad) that pursue, (Leavis, 2011). These monsters say Leavis, "s recognized by a fundamental limit concerning understanding, a sort of respectful transparency before life, and a checked good power.
The effect of Leavis on the artistic minds of some late twentieth-century scholars is conceivably exemplified by the reaction of his previous understudy, the Man Booker prizewinning writer Howard Jacobson, who admits, in a self-slashing record of his instructional exercises with Leavis, the desolation he endured at the feet of the ace analyst. The work that stressed my ability for veneration most, was The Great Tradition, particularly the opening paper with its reference pretentious of Laurence Sterne. Not because of respect other authors; even though what is once in a while called a comic writer no one ever found Tristram Shandy anything besides as 'silly' as Leavis discovered it, likewise the custom of relentless jocosity it keeps on bringing forth. In any case, different descriptors utilized in Leavis' expulsion – 'untrustworthy' and 'dreadful' – made awkward. 'Flippant' can point to ethics no not as much as indecencies. What's more, awful is not a persuading basic term, similarly as 'pornographer' was never a persuading portrayal regarding Kingsley Amis, (Leavis, 2011).
That challenge had not been tossed when I initially read The Great Tradition, however, there was a less insulting adaptation of it, referred to favourably by Leavis himself, in George Eliot's regret for Casaubon. How horrible to 'be what we call exceptionally instructed but not to appreciate: to be available at this incredible exhibition of life however consistently to be insightful and deadened, goal-oriented and meek, conscientious and diminish located, (Nisbet, 2018). I did not think there was anything there that ought to have given Leavis delay about him. Were not bashful grant and diminish located scrupulosity correctly the deficiencies he found in the Cambridge of which, in the good 'old days, he was the scourge? In any case, shouldn't something be said about us, Johnny-come-latelies to the wars he'd battled in? 'That incredible scene of life', which it is Casaubon's catastrophe to pass up: how had of it would we say we were? What's more, in the last tally, how had of it was Leavis himself when again he shrank from the "terribleness" he found in The Golden Bowl, a novel which, he stated, insulted our 'ethical sense.  
The inquiry has now and then been posed of me whether I didn't discover Leavis' instructing, and the entire environment where we were educated, disheartening – I waver to a state of imagination, however, I can in any event state of profitability. I arrived behind schedule to the composition of books, however, it was the main thing I had needed to do. In any case, I don't consider Leavis in charge of that. To be threatened by the writing you have been instructed to love is no terrible thing: the verification of decent training is not the unembarrassed creation of tosh. There, all in all, numerous things to be said against Leavis: he practised a sort of social oppression; a large portion of his designations for his "incredible convention" weren't English; he was a superior pundit of verse than fiction, etc. That is all valid, no uncertainty. In any case, at last, we should yield that he offered, to the genuine peruser of fiction, a snapshot of praiseworthy lucidity – something that is missing today. As critics put it, so well, toward the finish of his gratefulness, Leavis recounted to a specific anecdote about English writing. It's not alone. Yet, we owe it to him to demonstrate that, up until now, no one has told a superior one, or told it with a more intrepid conviction of why it makes a difference to tell it by any means. 
However, for what reason should a book that offers a nearby perusing of four authors, half of whom are ladies, keep on stirring such anger? The appropriate response lies in the opening sentence. "The incomparable English writers are Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad." (Leavis, 2011, pg.4). There you have it. Clear confirmation that Leavis was an elitist. Be that as it may, continue down the page. He is not stating that these are the main authors worth perusing, only that they are the best. They do not just change the conceivable outcomes of workmanship for specialists and perusers, they likewise advance familiarity with the potential outcomes of life  Furthermore, to be perfectly honest, what's going on with that? It causes the peruser to pay attention and it sets out to say something regarding the characteristics that make incredible writing and why it makes a difference. Give me Leavis to the subject benchmark articulation quickly. He is a pundit not a civil servant; one who opens himself to writing and is shaken by the experience,(Nisbet, 2018). It took him three decades years to deal with D. H. Lawrence, whose name does not show up in those well-known opening words - an exclusion that demonstrates the incredible custom was in no way, shape or form total.  
Indeed a cautious investigation of the book uncovers that a long way from being closed-minded, Leavis was continually contemplating different writers, most strikingly Dickens, and how they fitted into his custom. What he implied by that term was how one author gained from another and, in doing as such, discovered their voice. It was the pundit's business to follow these mind-boggling relations and to evaluate the creator's commitment to the way of life on the loose.  The Great Tradition endures because it declares war in a manner no other work of analysis does. Unfortunately, few try to peruse it through. On the off chance that they did, they would discover unmistakably more to rouse, incite and draw in them than can be found in numerous a present work.

Works cited
Leavis, Frank Raymond. The Great Tradition: George Eliot, Henry James, Joseph Conrad. Faber & Faber, 2011.
Nisbet, Robert. Tradition an
pricing are the key challenges facing (CMI) Curled Metal Inc. These hurdles are surfacing up for metal cushions applied when pile driving hence creating slim chances for Curled Metal Inc. to rise above its competition. The scheme by Curled Metal Inc. choosing metal pads creates opportunities over currently supplied pads in the market by the competitors. However, several precautions are necessary to be under observation. It is for Curled Metal Inc. to knock market barriers to get easy market entry since their competitors are already grounded. The role of pads is receiving mere reviews by the majority of the companies like a necessary item rather than viewing pads as a potentially cost-reducing or value-adding part of pile driving. Therefore, Curled Metal Inc. has no option but to change its approach of seeing things (pile driving pads). It is for it to penetrate the market and stay steps ahead of the competitors. The development process of a new successful product requires CMI to acknowledge several stakeholders. The success of the company relies on the decision process affecting pile cushion because it is aiming to boost profits and revenues of the company. Therefore, there exist various secondary stakeholders within the pile driving industry; they include the following: 
    Independent pile driving contractors
    Engineering contractors
    Pile hammers renting/distributing companies
    Architectural consulting engineers
    Soil consultants
    Pile hammer manufacturers
 Pads are health risky since it has a connection with weight & related injuries. As a result, the workers who drive piles are part of stakeholders due to the health danger they get exposed by the current pads. Several marketing decisions processes are needed by Curled Metal Inc. to win the market competition. Take for example; base on their selected pricing strategy, CMI must decide the marketing avenues to channel their pads. Second, the company must make a decision on pricing method & new metal pads ultimate price. Finally, Curled Metal Inc. by measuring the benefits and costs of investing in pad producing equipment, CMI must decide how much to invest in manufacturing equipment by measuring market entry. 

Strategic Recommendations
Cost Base
Aside from different choices picked, the new steel heap pads advertising will request reshaping the view of the purchasers of heap cushions. To start with, Curled Metal Inc. need to invert the methodology purchasers see the heap driving cushions. It is estimating from a lot of pillows mindset to cost per-foot driven personality outline. Second, Curled Metal Inc. must depict that cushions are a crucial segment of heap driving effectiveness consequently require a driver for the industry. A few contenders legitimately may analyze the evaluating of a micarta set cushions, $150, against the valuing set of the metal cushions, going past $3,000, short investigating the per foot complexities.
Value Base
Even though the expense is legitimized, it would take impressive showcasing to persuade potential clients to redesign from $150 per micarta set to $8,120 per.  CMI set, mainly if the activity requires driving under 300 heaps. This methodology could be viewed as a skimming approach and may return great benefits with low showcase infiltration. It is an evaluation that the metal cushions should spare contractual workers $1.52 per foot driven. On the off chance that CMI hope to win the 33% of the cost reserve funds, at that point they could charge $1.52*.33 = $0.5 per foot driven. Another option is to endeavor to part the money-saving advantage of worth included by utilizing the new metal cushions with purchasers. This situation charges an excellent cost dependent on how much worth and values reserve funds the new cushions present to the client. The last cost will be 31.21 pennies (from the prior arrangement) in addition to 50 pennies equivalent to 81.21 pennies per foot driven. This would bring about a significant expense of $8,120 per set of cushions.
The first worry about a high advertises entrance is connecting with the generation cost. The gear ventures can be effectively amortized with the expanding volumes. Be that as it may, the expense of fixed processing plant overhead assume the fundamental job in deciding the last cost since they depend on direct work. It is an essential value plot that should yield high showcase entrance and critical benefits. CMI would need to persuade temporary workers regarding the cost per-foot correlation with micarta cushions and demonstrate the cost of investment funds dependent on effectiveness. Elective 1, straightforwardly rivaling micarta, would severely constrain focused passage and have the best showcase infiltration and it meets the organization required half-edge. Like this, seeking aftermarket entrance through an elective one methodology could be likely the best elective for Curled Metals Inc.

Tactical Recommendations
The marketing decisions process must support the strategy of the business immediately pricing policy is developing. The product uniqueness is the point of focus since Curled Mental Inc. cares for the well-fare of workers. It is by creating work-saving equipment, grant relevant cost savings for the consumers, and champion for the safest solution for workers health. The core individual who can better the CMI performance is McCormack. He is the high-specialized engineer with the skills and experience to survey the quality of Curled Metal Inc. pads plus the vital assets (promotion & building brand) for the company. Soil consultants and engineers working on the most valuable projects are the ultimate targets of the company by asking him to show the consumers the new pads properties. 
This strategy is aiming at minimizing the investment production expenditures and at the same time gaining a significant portion of the market share hence generating substantial profit to the company. Lowering of the price will create a better potential at market entry only when building a reliable quality image brand. Also, it is a wise marketing strategy to build a partnership with Prometheus Iron Works by persuading them to utilize the pads on their top-notch product. The long-term implementation plan considering the life cycle of the product will be to focus on cost production minimization to progressively lower the product pricing. The future marketing strategy will escalate into a different level where magazine publication and word of mouth communication will be the point of focus. The CMI is readily cautioned to be aware of the chances imitators can take to enter the market by merely copying their product properties.

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