Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Technology-aided Patient Education



Technology-aided Patient Education

Student's Name

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Technology-aided Patient Education

Medical information - including prognosis, diagnosis, prescription, and self-care instruction - was traditionally conveyed to patients in written form such as pamphlets and leaflets.  However, the evolution of technology over the years has revolutionized the way we learn and communicate. The field of nursing has particularly benefited from technology in exploring new and better ways of improving patient care (Cassano, 2019). Today, evidence-based research gathered through technology provides empirical knowledge and experience to nursing practitioners. Consequently, the traditional pamphlet has been replaced by various electronic devices, internet resources and audio-visual media towards ensuring clear and comprehensive patient education.

Given that a well-informed patient is an integral part of an effective and efficient treatment process, patient education assumes critical importance in any health organization. It also helps minimize errors of omission and commission and encourages self-care among patients. This is because the patients are informed on everything about their conditions, diagnosis and treatment process. Interactive technology plays a big role in promoting health consciousness and improving quality of life.

As a nursing administrator, I would use tablets and iPads for enhancing patient education. iPad images help the patient understand the intricacies of diagnosis, visualize the disease, and comprehend the treatment process (Wang et. al., 2012). Wireless sensors attached to a smartphone measure and monitor breath and respiration, while there are many downloadable apps to monitor critical health parameters. Nurses, on the other hand, play a vital role in helping patients make the most of different digital technologies and, in turn, enhance their competencies and quality of care giving. Therefore, the technological devices are a critical element in the healing process of a patient.


Cassano, C., (2019) Interactive Technology is Shaping Patient Education and Experience.
            Retrieved from:
https://rn-journal.com/journal-of-nursing/interactive-technology-    patient-education-experience

Wang, J., Hsu, J. T.S., & Bhatia, A. C. (2012). Expanding the Role of the iPad and Tablet

Devices to Cosmetic Patient Consultations. Retrieved from: http://www.oncologypractice.com/fileadmin/content_pdf/san/scms_pdf/SCMS_vol31_no3_iPad_and_Tablets_01.pdf






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