Thursday, October 3, 2019


Global warming can be describes as the observed increase in the global temperatures caused by human action as well as its continuation. It is a phenomenon that has caused a lot of discussion across the globe, with many people citing its implications towards the world and the entire human existence. This paper aims to affirm the thesis statement that global warming has been a lead cause of most of the pollution of the world and that its impacts are usually harmful.

A major impact of global warming is the warming of oceans. It has been noted in various studies that have been carried out that the increased heat caused by the rise in the level of co2 in the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans (Baig, Mirza Jawwad, et al 12). The absorption results in a rise in surface temperature that leads to thermal expansion. Thermal expansion is an instance where the temperature increases while the seawater increases leading to a rise in the sea level that changes ocean circulation (Vuille, Mathias, et al 3745). As a result, there are harmful effects such as coastal erosion, arctic erosion, and warmer bottom water. Global warming has been destructive in the sense that it leads to an increased sea level. Rises in sea level occur mainly due to the thermal expansion resulting from sea warming as well as the loss of mass from ice sheets and glaciers (Turkington et al 1099). The rise is a threat towards many settlements and cities located in low coastal areas which could be flooded leading to disasters. People would be forced to vacate the coastal areas, thus leading to the displacement of populations.

Global warming causes excessive ice loss. Glaciers in mountains are important water storage that provides water flowing into rivers for the dependence of human life (Vuille, Mathias, et al 3749). As they melt away, they store lesser amounts of water making it a threat to the sustenance of the human population in some areas. The melting ice also exposes biota that is found in some parts in the arctic which is converted to co2, thus increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere (Baig, Mirza Jawwad, et al 9). The melting act leads to land subsidence where the environment is damaged through actions such as spills from broken pipes and effluence from buildings that have been constructed on permanently frozen zones.

There have been disruptive climate changes that have been brought about by global warming (Turkington et al 1092). For instance, scientists have found out that the troposphere's temperature has gone slightly under 1-degree centigrade above the pre-industrial and is continuously rising as a result of an increment in greenhouse gases (Baig, Mirza Jawwad, et al 18). Warming involves severe events in terms of the weather. For example, there is an increase in temperatures that have got to an extreme level while there are also instances of extreme cold weather in the northern hemisphere as a result of the destruction of the polar Volex (Vuille, Mathias, et al 3745). There have been occurrences of droughts where farmland and habitats have been affected. Evaporation is also an instance of climatic changes where water from the soil evaporates quickly as the troposphere gets warmer and capable of holding more water in vapor form.


Works Cited

Baig, Mirza Jawwad, et al. "Impact of Global Warming on South Asia Low Pressure and Regional Cloud Cover." Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: B. Life and Environmental Sciences 55.3 (2018): 9-18.

Turkington, Thea, Bertrand Timbal, and Raizan Rahmat. "The impact of global warming on sea surface temperature based El NiƱo–Southern Oscillation monitoring indices." International Journal of Climatology 39.2 (2019): 1092-1103.

Vuille, Mathias, et al. "Impact of the global warming hiatus on Andean temperature." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120.9 (2015): 3745-3757.

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