Monday, October 14, 2019

Addressing the Silent Killers: Rosen Hotels and Resorts

Analysis of the strategies using the 7-S Model and the new seven S′s by D'Aveni

From the information in the case, one can easily agree that the resort's competitive strategy is working to the desired expectations. According to the 7-S Model, competitive strategy is assessed on the results which are witnessed upon its implementation. When Rosen resort was coming up with its competitive strategy, there was a lot of expectations that it would bring about the best outcomes in regards to demanding a relatively big share of the market cake. The results which are expected after the correct implementation of a strategy is the increase of profit margin, large customer base and expansion of the business based on other terminals (Frigo, 2012). In the case study, Rosen has been able to open many branches in various geographical locations. In other words, the competitive strategy is attracting more customers from various places, thereby compelling Rosen to move their services closer to people.

Rosen has experienced recent development in the recent past making its development in terms of infrastructure and programs become the order of the day. In the case study, the hotel & result started out of scratch to its current status. Rosen the founder debut investment was owning a one hotel in the mid of 1974s. in the start Rosen was holding almost all the positions in the hotel that is founder, president, chief of operating officer in Orlando, Florida. This shows the level in which the business was placed to the extent that hiring paid labor was impossible. However, looking 44 years of committing to strategy adoption and execution the business has established itself to be among the biggest entities in the United States. This means that their competitive strategy is working due to rate of expansion witnessed within four decades.

The other evidence of Rosen's competitive strategy working well is the expansion of their programs. On its foundation the business was limited to the extent that it could not afford to employ adequate qualified staff compelling the founder to hold multiple positions. However, with course of time the business as expanded to employ many employees at managerial, junior, and subordinate levels. This means that the ability of the Rosen to employ adequate and high skilled employees shows that the business adopted competitive strategy is on the right track. Moreover, some of the funds from the business are used to create a good relationship with the community. For instance, Rosen has come up with a program known as the Tangelo park program whereby every child that resides around the park would see all their learning expenses covered from preschool to tertiary levels. This is a suggestion that the finances of the company have increased thanks to the competitive strategy working to expectations.

The first strategy which is proposed is to expand the business outside national borders. Given the financial strength of Rosen Hotels and Resorts, its ability to compete with already established international hotel chains such as Marriott, Hyatt, and Hilton Hotels and the loyal customer base all over the United States, the expansion plan would be warmly welcomed (Sarlas, 2017). As Rosen Hotels and Resorts also receives huge numbers of international guests, the brand and its specialized services will be well known in several countries.

The second strategy is to expand the business nationwide by acquiring already established hotel chains. This strategy will be difficult for Rosen Hotels and Resorts to implement. The first reason behind this assertion is that the hotel industry is booming and generating larger profits. In this scenario, it is impossible that an already established business would sell its rights to a direct competitor (Sarlas, 2017). Secondly, the increased activity of international businesses in the United States means the number of travelers is increasing. Therefore, it will be a strategic mistake to sell a business to a competitor in times when the industrial economy is going upward and positive.

How Rosen Hotels and Resorts is handling the silent killers/barriers to strategy implementation

Rosen Hotels and Resorts have adopted a generic competitive strategy based on differentiation in service delivery as a way of handling the silent barriers. This strategy allows the business to offer products and services that have unique attributes as compare to the competitors and help the business to stand out. Differentiation has become a core strength of Rosen Hotels and Resorts (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble & Strickland, 2014). To maintain the successful implementation of differentiation strategy, Rosen Hotels and Resorts has established strong quality checks on the product quality and the behavior of staff with the guests.

In terms of the business-level strategies, Rosen Hotels and Resorts have adopted a flexible pricing strategy as a technique which will handle the silent barriers. This flexible pricing strategy allows the business to set prices according to the supply and demand of the services. In times when the business receives a low number of guests, the prices of the services are reduced to fill all the rooms by increasing demand (Thompson et al., 2014). In peak season, the prices are hiked to generate maximum revenue and achieve the projected financial yield.

In conclusion, the corporate and organizational strategy adopted by Rosen Hotels and Resorts also incorporates other elements to achieve success (Rosen Shingle Creek, 2018). These may include keeping the employees satisfied from their jobs by providing them excellent and market competitive salaries along with the benefits and rewards, compliance with governmental regulations, and industrial code of conduct to establish a socially responsible image.





Frigo, M. L. (2012).Nonfinancial performance measures and strategy execution. Strategic

Finance84(2), 6.

Rosen Shingle Creek. (2018). Rosen Shingle Creek's sales team focuses on attendee experience for small meetings. Retrieved from

Sarlas, P. (2017). Hotel Strategic Planning a Must. Retrieved from

Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., & Strickland, A. (2014). Crafting and executing strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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