Friday, September 27, 2019












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The essential beliefs of a person or an organization is referred to as the core values. Beliefs act as the managing principles in helping people and organizations in dictating behavior change (Kahneman & Tversky2013). Therefore, it helps people in understanding the differences between wrong and right. Additionally, core values also guide companies on their daily routine by ensuring that companies are on the right track and are achieving their objectives. Over the recent years, nearly all the companies have integrated values as their tool for direction. There are different types of core values that people or companies embrace.

One of the core values is based on the life; for instance, most people who fall in love always calm that they fall in love, because they have the same or nearly the same values                  (Arrow 2012).In this scenario, they are still speaking about fundamental values, or possible the subjective views on what the manner life is supposed to be. The following are good examples of core values that people have in adopted life. People beliefs in God or specific supernatural power (McSweeney2002). For instance, some people worship mountains, some animals, some even their wealth. Another good, example is the belief that honesty is one of the characters to trust someone. Also some people believe in balancing between working and then family life. Most people don't want to spend much time working rather than taking care of their families (Schwartz2006). And the most affected by this belief are parents, more specific women, they to wish to spend time with their kids rather than working. Women beliefs that their family is the importance to them.

However, core values are not always positive, as their interest may motivate some high people, and still, this is beliefs too even if they are negative. Because they direct on how someone live his life. Other good examples of negative core values include; believer that some people show that they  cannot change their fate or life, further finding that some people are not to be trusted, or they are unloving which may just be based on  judgements their outside appearance or just talking them. Lastly, some people believes that they don't deserve anything good or a good working relationship.

The last category of core values is a corporate core value; they are the values that are found in companies. These values are usually the managing principles on how a company should operate its business. And some of the common examples of core values in companies is where a company committee to protect the environment .through their environmental sustainability core values.



Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (2013). Choices, values, and frames. In Handbook of the fundamentals of financial decision making: Part I (pp. 269-278).

Arrow, K. J. (2012). Social choice and individual values (Vol. 12). Yale university press.

McSweeney, B. (2002). Hofstede's model of national cultural differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith-a failure of analysis. Human relations, 55(1), 89-118.

Schwartz, S. (2006). A theory of cultural value orientations: Explication and applications. Comparative sociology, 5(2-3), 137-182.

















Reputation generally refers to the reflection of the characters of people see in you or written about you. In addition, reputation is among the old proverbs that postulate that reputation is just the same as the story you documented about yourself. An organization reputation is recognize by how people evaluate its internal and external performance, and it may be about its employees, customers or the general public (Resnick, Kuwabara, Zeckhauser & Friedman 2000). It is basically like a mirroring procedure. Therefore in most case, organization or companies promote their reputation in fear of the stakeholders rating. They also fear of losing their potential client or losing their customer retention ability. In most cases, stakeholders supervise the self-classification on the organization, if it matches their required expectation. For any organization that wants to achieve its goal and objective, the organization must maintain a good reputation with its stakeholders (Roberts & Dowling 2002).one of the vital stakeholder in any organization is the government, which regulates all the organization carried in a particular country.

With a fantastic reputation, the organization easily achieve its objective, even without much struggling. These is  because, client prefers working or associating with companies and organization or even private small business that have built up good reputation (Sabater & Sierra, 2001, May) .in long run this will influence even the other potential clients or customers to come to the organization . Also though, status is seen as a concrete thought, a good reputation with udoutbilty a stronger completive advantage to any organization in the market .Nevertheless, reputation can easily be lost, if there is no delivery on what was promised to the customer, more, or it can also be missed by being rude or lacking an excellent customer care services in an organization.

Therefore to maintain a good reputation in any organization or business, need to deliver topnotch services that suits on the clients expectations, by doing so, it will be building a strong brand for the organization., which will help to distinguish your organization from organization. Further reputation can be built through continuous scanning of external opinions and surrounding .Make sure the organization is on the right track (Fombrun, Gardberg & Sever2000). For the constant growth, support and confidence of the different stakeholders. By doing that, the organization will be on the right track as it will be delivering on the promises .and lastly, the organization, need to be law abider, such as in terms of filling tax and paying its employees' salaries.



Resnick, P., Kuwabara, K., Zeckhauser, R., & Friedman, E. (2000). Reputation systems. Communications of the ACM, 43(12), 45-48.

Roberts, P. W., & Dowling, G. R. (2002). Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance. Strategic management journal, 23(12), 1077-1093.

Sabater, J., & Sierra, C. (2001, May). REGRET: reputation in gregarious societies. In Agents (Vol. 1, pp. 194-195).

Fombrun, C. J., Gardberg, N. A., & Sever, J. M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient SM: A multi-stakeholder measure of corporate reputation. Journal of brand management, 7(4), 241-255.















Bribery has been an issue over a long period. Bribery refers to the exchange of favor in returns to cash, material or even goods. Which is difficult to notice. War against corruption in the world has faced a lot of difficulties, because of the citizen willing to offer bribery. Most of the people like giving out bribe so that they can either be served well or to avoid them being taken to court after committing an offence.

For this reason, it is nearly rare to meet any person who has never given bribe (Fombrun, Gardberg & Sever 2000). For instance, if someone want s his kids to be admitted in a good performing school the individuals offers bribe, when want to allocate a good seat in a train, offers bribery, commit traffic offence, offers bribe.infact in this modern world, bribe has nearly  been given in all aspect of life. And more surprising, parent even go an extent of bribing their kids with gifts perform well in school. This clearly illustrates where bribery comes from. When that child sees parents giving out bribe, what results should we expect? ( Salek 2005).  Therefore parents must embrace good ways of motivating their kids to perform well in school instead of offering any form of bribe. Furthermore, the government should ensure equal opportunities are given to all citizens in terms of, education and employment. Although this equality has been hindered for many years by greed citizens that takes chances of others and fulfil their self-interest. It's so painful taking away a position of someone else who qualifies, by offering a large sum of the money to  to take the position regardless of your low qualification or even lacking any requirement for the position (Lu & Leong 2004. But it is even scarier to mention that in some countries, corruption is the primary source of capital for some people most of the government officials and public servants. They are thus making it even more difficult for the war against corruption to succeed (McNamara 2012, June). However, corruption can be minimized by parents and teachers at school, if they embrace teaching children at school the value of being honest .this will help these children to decline or refuse to offer bribe in future. The war of corruption can be won, if people join hands together and take a decision to eliminate this harmful practice of giving bribe



Fombrun, C. J., Gardberg, N. A., & Sever, J. M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient SM: A multi-stakeholder measure of corporate reputation. Journal of brand management, 7(4), 241-255.

Salek, A. (2005). Nanodiagnostyka: perspektywy dla drozdzy piwowarskich. Cz. II. Praktyczne wykorzystanie nanobiotechnologii. Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny, 12(49), 8-9.

Lu, W. W., & Leong, C. K. (2004).

McNamara, B. (2012, June). NESST: A nuclear energy safety and security treaty-Separating nuclear energy from nuclear weapons. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1442, No. 1, pp. 338-345). AIP.



Locus of Control

People have different locus of control, some people feels that they got higher control over other and the external environment surrounding them. Locus control basically refers to that aspect by which some people think or feel they have control over an occurrence that has effect on their endures ( Ajzen 2002)..For instance, when dealing with a hard situation in life, some might feel they control over the challenge or have no ability to tackle it. If someone believes he has the ability to face the challenge and stop it, then that mean you he has an internal locus of control and if the external forces happen to be greater than the internal forces, then it is describe as external locus of control. The locus control influences someone on how to take control of situations and also helps in motivation to some in taking up.

It is crucial to realize that no of 100 percent of either in build or exterior locals of control. Most of the people live in between external and internal locus (Lefcourt, 2014).some of the features of internal locus control are, people with inner locus are more possible to take duty for their deed, they are also lesser affected by the thoughts of other human beings and they tend to work very hard to attain what they want . More so, they also tend to have great sense of self –worth. While those people who have external locus always be fault the forces for their conditions (Lefcourt 2013). Furthermore, look for luck or chances attain their success instead of working hard and most time they don't think that they can change their bad situations and they always wait for help from other people. And lastly this group of people always believe that they are powerless and in the face of any challenge that may arise in their way.

Internal locus of control plays Avery critical role in life, it helps in building self-determination. Men are considered to have higher internal locus of control then women. The internal locus of control also grow bigger as people age ( Ng, Sorensen & Eby 2006). However, it is not always good to have internal locus of control as in some condition, it is not suitable at all conditions such as play in the field may fill so anxious in case of poor performance because of a strong internal locus of control



Janzen, I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self‐efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior 1. Journal of applied social psychology, 32(4), 665-683.

Lefcourt, H. M. (2014). Locus of control: Current trends in theory & research. Psychology Press.

Lefcourt, H. M. (Ed.). (2013). Research with the locus of control construct: extensions and limitations. Elsevier.

Ng, T. W., Sorensen, K. L., & Eby, L. T. (2006). Locus of control at work: a meta‐analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(8), 1057-1087.















Motivation is the wish to act and move on the way to a goal. Motivation is what drive most people to wake up early ,thos people who lack motivation most  of the time gets problem of waking up and even after waking up and even after  waking up they lazy in the house or around the house doing nothing Deci & Ryan2010)..More so motivation is one of the most essential part of an individual in putting up and achieving objectives. Furthermore, motivation is an individual aspect, most people have their own motivation to do something. Extrinsic motivation is where an individual is inspired by outside force, and this may be other people or things that the individual like. While it can also be intrinsic, where it originate from within a person. For examples higher achieves find it easy to motivate themselves easily and they live a more satisfying lives.

The eager of fulfilling physiological needs is the most crucial (Wigfield, & Cambria 2010). In addition, social linking and acceptance are also vital. Ego is also another aspect affecting individual, where individuals want to be recognized on bases of power, wealth and social status. Lastly, is fullfiment, where people recognize their capability and inmost desires? Individual can set goals by first promoting motivation and attain goals. The goals are set in manner that can be achieved ( Frey & Jegen 2001). And the first step is to think of reason for setting the goals and why there is need to change the goal. Can also ask some questions based on the career progression and relationship improvement .then a plan is set to be accomplished and it should be based on the set goal (Weiner 2012). Surrealistic understanding of the problem is equally balanced, more strength and determination is cheeped in, and that can help to overcome the challenge and finally the challenge overcome.

Goals can be achieved by working toward them on a daily routine with or with motivation. A proper strategy important for attaining a certain goal. Setting Hour each daybreak or even evening for practice, is very important to put down a good program that will help to keep up. Schedule is very important because it facilitate the conversion of the goal into a routine, and once the the routines is taken up it will be very easy to do it on a daily basis. Motivation can also be improved by changing of the the location.



Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2010). Intrinsic motivation. The corsini encyclopedia of psychology, 1-2.

Wigfield, A., & Cambria, J. (2010). Achievement motivation. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1-2.

Frey, B. S., & Jegen, R. (2001). Motivation crowding theory. Journal of economic surveys, 15(5), 589-611.

Weiner, B. (2012). Human motivation. Springer Science & Business Media.
















Emotional Intelligence

The capability to recognize and manage one's emotion and the emotions of other people is called emotional intelligence .Generally emotional intelligence has been categorizes to include three skills .emotional awareness or the ability to recognize someone own feeling (Mayer& Salovey 2007 .It is also the ability to recognize and applying the emotions to perform some tasks such as solving some issue and thinking. Also the ability to control emotions, which involves controlling some own feelings and when aiding different people to do the same (Minsky 2007).In addition, there is no any scale that can be used to measure emotional intelligence, nevertheless, there is ways of describing relational skills which are inline with the other name.

Emotional intelligence has a very huge demand amongst the public and other key sectors. Emotional intelligence has been used In the recent past, by certain employers to examination into their process of the interview, thinking that it would make a great leader when it is in high emotion( Petrides & Furnham 2003).There is some core relationship among the emotional intelligence and the delivery at the job. Though, it is hard to measure a person feeling intelligence on the job. Additionally, an emotional intelligent individual is normally extremely conscious of his own feelings, and easily recognizes small frustration and rectify as early as possible. These kind of individuals are always prepared for emotional changes and other hidden life experiences. For examples, it is easy to notice, they are sensitive to the emotional gestures from either within or outside from the surrounding environment.

 Emotional intelligence can be improved by, utilizing an assertive style of talking. An assertive style of communication refers to giving respect to other by using appropriate language. Emotional intelligent individuals understand how to communicate their views and the needs in a more straightforward way, while still maintaining the respect for others. Responding instead of running into conflict is also a way of boosting emotional intiligency.during times of disagreement, emotional anger and sometimes outburst are emotional intelligent person knows how to stay calm during such moments. And lastly using of active listening an emotional state, it is good to wait until time of specking reaches, this will help to reduce anger between the parties.



Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (2007). Mayer-Salovery-Caruso emotional intelligence test. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems Incorporated.

Minsky, M. (2007). The emotion machine: Commonsense thinking, artificial intelligence, and the future of the human mind. Simon and Schuster.

Petrides, K. V., & Furnham, A. (2003). Trait emotional intelligence: Behavioural validation in two studies of emotion recognition and reactivity to mood induction. European journal of personality, 17(1), 39-57.

Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., Caruso, D. R., & Sitarenios, G. (2001). Emotional intelligence as a standard intelligence.















Power existed where leadership is, and leadership influence power. Therefore for leadership to be active and work; ideally, there must be a power to execute the leadership of the tools used in most of the institutions and organization is power. Furthermore, the organization cannot survive without power. For things to do well, require to impact power on others. And this, thus shows how power is very critical in achieving organizational goals and objectives. Leaders must release the influence of power in an organization set up, additionally, they must also know how to utilize the power accordingly. And more important use the knowledge to become even more effective excellent leaders. is complicated to measure power because it applies among different nations (multinational concept) although the importance of any leader cannot be underrated. Also, followers are influential too, because of the role they play in the success of the group.

Additionally, there are different types of power in leadership, legitimacy power, which is also referred to as official power. The leader is granted the influence after his group authority is acknowledged, and it usually originates from the rules of the organization itself. Hence this gives the people in power the ability to repay themselves and discipline others. The second one is charismatic power, and it is also referred to as the power of personality. And it originates from each distinct leaders. This type of power facilitates the understanding of the leader by the subordinates, and it trains the subordinate's staffs to act on their own and on which they think their senior will want, the other type of power is expert also referred to as the power of knowledge, and this kind of energy comes from the learning specializations. This power helps in getting jobs done quickly, because of the experience and the skills .this type of leaders are usually trained by people of higher credibility .hence raising the likelihood of the leader. A different kind of power are reward power, this kind of control originates from the authority, it arises from the basis of good behavior, and someone is rewarded because of his good manners. This leader is granted some powers such assigning the subordinates some task and being off duty at times under his wish. Lastly, political power, this is given by the support from a group, it arises typically as a result of a good relationship between the leader and the people.



Grainger, J. J., Stevenson, W. D., & Stevenson, W. D. (2003). Power system analysis.

Saadat, H. (1999). Power system analysis.

Mills, C. W., & Wolfe, A. (2000). The power elite (Vol. 20). Oxford University Press.

Fairclough, N. (2001). Language and power. Pearson Education.





















Compliance is the state of following the the lay down procedures or the practice of becoming so .For examples, software's are usually used established on the basis of the vendor licensing agreement, therefore they are created with description similar to the vendors agreement license (Sevostianov & Kachanov2002).Compliance can also be defined in terms of the industry and organizations regulations to follow the law. Compliance is a dominant business concern, simply because of the rise in the rules that need companies to be more aggressive on keeping complete knowledge of governing compliances.

Compliance risk refers to possible losses, and legal punishment as a result of failing to comply with the guide. Business are the most which experience the compliance, injury (Marigold & Patla2005). Examples of compliance risk include; the risk of the environment which arises as a result of damage caused by living organisms. Another type of compliance risk is workplace health and safety, risks which relate to all categories of health and protection in the workstation like accidents ( Vona, Detweiler & Rus2008) .Corrupt practices is another type of compliance risk, the employs, and the agents cause this risk, results from corruption practices such bribery in an organization and resulting to corruption risk in an organization. Social responsibility is another type of compliance risk, this risk occurs as result of business activity, harming the people living around the organization or the worker of the same organization. Quality is also one of the dangers that may cause. It results from the discharge of inferior quality materials that do not meet the standard anticipated in the production those violating the law (Mear Sevostianov & Kachanov 2007).Finally, the process risk is another type of compliance risk in which the risk that is processed fails in before the court, due to not meeting the required customer standards and expectations. This risk can occur due to accounting errors that may violet the organizations to the investor's duties or failure in reporting .hence, causing a disagreement which results in legal action.



Sevostianov, I., & Kachanov, M. (2002). On elastic compliances of irregularly shaped cracks. International Journal of Fracture, 114(3), 245-257.

Marigold, D. S., & Patla, A. E. (2005). Adapting locomotion to different surface compliances: neuromuscular responses and changes in movement dynamics. Journal of neurophysiology, 94(3), 1733-1750.

Vona, M., Detweiler, C., & Rus, D. (2008). Shady: Robust truss climbing with mechanical compliances. In Experimental Robotics (pp. 431-440). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Mear, M. E., Sevostianov, I., & Kachanov, M. (2007). Elastic compliances of non-flat cracks. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44(20), 6412-6427.









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