Friday, September 27, 2019








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Organizational Behavior

Several aspects have been established to have a significant influence on organization performance, organizational behavior is one of the significant factors. Which refers to the study of human behavior in a corporate setting, their behavioral influence to the association and the association itself. Furthermore, organization behaviors involve the study of performance and activity of groups and individuals within an organization (Buelens, Kreitner, & Kinicki 2002). This part studies the inspects of staff behavior in their work surrounding and decides, the effect on the job structure, performance governance, and inspiration on the staffs.

Additionally, Mullins (2008) postulate that, the organization behavior is formed in an organization with specific objectives. For instance in the office in which people work, the impact is on their thinking, feeling, and actions. Therefore these thoughts, feelings, and activities, in the long run adversely affect the organization itself. Hence organization studies are formed in the establishments. In order to study these mechanisms interfaces and seek the best possible way to nurture desirable behavior for the organizational survival (Cole 2004). Such checking employees job satisfaction, in terms of the payment, work environment, and the job description. More so, the organization checks on the leadership and the conflict resolutions methods. Most of the organization build suggestion boxes, for suggestion or complains in the company, on the other hand, other organization has come up with a welfare team that helps in checking the employee's welfare. The welfare team also helps to solve conflicts between the management and the staffs. Furthermore, organizations have come up with proper teamwork, organization group people basing on their abilities (McKenna 2000). Those who are excellent in terms of delivery are group with those who are lazy, so that they can help to pull the lazy one up. However, organization behaviors have some limitations, for instance, it is difficult for organization behavior to abolish disagreements and frustrations among the employees, since it can only minimize them, thus, and it is only a method of minimizing differences. Thirdly, it is just portion of whole organization, even though behavior is considered as separate subject, when applied, it must be tied the complete certainty, for instance, improved organizational behavior cannot solve the cases of joblessness in a country. Organizational behavior cannot for example substitute for society deficiencies, such as poor planning or insufficient controls, because it is just like other structure functioning in society set up.































Cole, G. A. (2004). Management theory and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA.

McKenna, E. F. (2000). Business psychology and organisational behaviour: a student's handbook. Psychology Press.

Mullins, L. J. (2008). Essentials of organisational behaviour. Pearson Education

Buelens, M., Kreitner, M., & Kinicki, A. (2002). Organizational behaviour. McGraw Hill.




























Collaboration exercise is the center to the system approach of which work is done through, and the delivery of essential services and innovations .Collaboration in general, refers to the way organizations or individuals come together to work as a team to solve problems and provide results that an individual or an organization cannot achieve while working alone (Frankel, Goldsby & Whipple 2002). Teamwork relationship is eye-catching to individuals or organizations, since the energies and benefits gained from the expertise and merging effort yields much more significant profits, compared to those realized through individual effort or one group strength.

Nevertheless, for successful collaboration approach, there must be some crucial critical drive that will facilitate .First, there must be access to adequate assets and growing opportunities, each of the individual or organization willing to collaborate must be willing to expand operations and contribute funds for the project (Moharana, Murty, Senapati, & Khuntia 2012). This will help to facilitate the smooth process and management of the projects carried out. Furthermore, each organization or individual business must be legit, as this will help to reduce the time wastage in case of court order for proof of license (Axinn, & Axinn 2007). Thirdly, each of the collaborating parties must have a general goal, this refer to ,the willingness of the team to work together and therefore helps to reduce unnecessary disagreement during their collaboration period. Additionally, collaboration is a united operational relationship which are defined by; the length and the strength of the relationship, risk level involved in the joint venture and lastly the communication and sharing of power between the two teams involved.

 My research found out three main parts of relationship continuums (Wang, Ren, & Xie 2011). The first one is coordination, which is established on more considerable aspect of interdependence, among the team or organizations involved. In these methods, the organizations or individuals recognize the need to work as a team to achieve a particular goal. The second one is collaborations, which is formed by two or more parties. The parties agree on the way they think and project should be, and behavior in the same way as other, so that, they can realize a particular goal. And the last is cooperation, which mainly focuses on sharing relevant information and the expertise for the benefit of the both parties.

In a nutshell, a successful collaboration has a couple of benefits for the parties involved such as sharing of valuable expertise and information, Nevertheless, without setting a common goal, the collaboration is prone to fail.


Frankel, R., Goldsby, T. J., & Whipple, J. M. (2002). Grocery industry collaboration in the wake of ECR. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 13(1), 57-72

Axinn, G. H., & Axinn, N. W. (2007). Collaboration in international rural development: A practitioner's handbook. Sage Publications.

Moharana, H. S., Murty, J. S., Senapati, S. K., & Khuntia, K. (2012). Coordination, collaboration and integration for supply chain management. International Journal of Interscience Management Review, 2(2), 46-50.

Wang, L. W., Ren, S. G., & Xie, E. (2011). The effect of R&D collaboration on firm's innovation performance'. Studies in Science of Science, 29(5), 787-792.





















Joint Venture

Fluctuations of price of commodities in the world, has resulted in formation of joint venture business. A joint venture is defined as a commerce arrangement, in which two or more independent organizations, with similar objectives, comes together to legally form a firm for a specified period of time, to accomplish a specific purpose (Killing 2013). Therefore it is usually a temporary partnership, formed to achieve a particular goal. The parties creating a joint venture are called co-ventures, and they can be either a government companies, private companies, or even foreign companies.  These companies comes on a manual understanding of carrying out  business activities, in which both firms have control and share ownership. Furthermore, the parties contribute capital, physical assets, and managerial resources, parties also help in running of the operation of the project set up, and in case of any loss, it is shared equally among the parties.

For the parties to enter into a joint venture, there is always an agreement, which defines their investment, business properties, and operations (Killing 2017). The contract is usually signed before the business operation kick-off. Also, the two firms involved in the co-venture, pools there resources together, such as capital, labour and expertise, which help to facilitate the operation of the business. More so, the co-ventures decide on how to share the loss and profit of the company depending on their shares, and this is usually carried out at the end of the project (Yiu & Makino 2002). Co-ventures are formed on the following objectives; are created to reduce the risk aspect of massive investment. Secondly, to be able to gain and maximize the economy of scale and also to help them optimize the utilization of the available resources. Modern joint venture projects are usually involved, with tremendous capital investment, projects such as road construction, dam construction and selling of good and services In large quantities (Pothukuchi, Damanpour, Choi, Chen & Park 2002).However, joint venture has some limitations such as, complications arise of  different cultures and leadership styles at the beginning of the projects, there are also differences in terms of objectives for the business by the partners and this may even result to the collapse of the company.

In summary, a joint venture is a suitable type of business venture, if both parties involved have the same objective and are willing to contribute to the success of the business. However, if one of the co-venture has a different goal, it becomes, so difficulty for the company to grow.


Killing, P. (2013). Strategies for joint venture success (RLE international business). Routledge.

Killing, J. P. (2017). How to make a global joint venture work. In International Business (pp. 321-328). Routledge.

Yiu, D., & Makino, S. (2002). The choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary: An institutional perspective. Organization science, 13(6), 667-683.

Pothukuchi, V., Damanpour, F., Choi, J., Chen, C. C., & Park, S. H. (2002). National and organizational culture differences and international joint venture performance. Journal of international business studies, 33(2), 243-265.























Economy of Scale

Every business dream of enjoying the economy of scale in the market, so that they can make huge profit and expand their operation in the market. For this reason, most businesses invest a vast sum of money to increase their output level .so that they can enjoy the economy of scale in the market (Audretsch, & Thurik 2004. However, due to poor market analysis and stiff completion, this business finds themselves making loss day in day outs. The economy of the scale, is also the cost-benefit experienced by any firm by increasing the level of output ( Li & Zhou 2010). This benefit arises because of the different relationship of fixed per-unit price and the amount produced.

Furthermore, the economy of the scale arises because of a drop in the average adjustable cost. With the rise in the output, which is achieved by operational proficiency and the collaborations results, in the rise in of the scale of production. Therefore, a firm can apply economy of the range at any phase of production.

Also, the economy of the scale has effects on the level of production, such as, it always decreases each unit fixed cost significantly, raising the production cost, which results to the higher spread of fixed price over more production than previously (Stangler 2010). It also decreases cost per unit variables, and it takes lower scale per unit variables costs. And this mainly occurs as the efficiency of the production process rises because of the expansion of the production scale. There two main types of the economy of scale mainly, internal and external economy of scale. The domestic economy of scale refers to those economies that are distinctive to a particular firm (Vice & Pitzler 2000). While foreign economies of scale refer to the scales of the market faced by the whole firm. For example, when the government wants to rise metal production, it declares that all metal producers who hire more than 5,000 employees will be a waded a 30% tax break. Therefore a firm with less than 5,000 workers can hire more workers, by reducing average cost of production.

In conclusion, economies of the scale are normally enjoyed by firms which produce products in large quantities, however, through proper market research and analysis also the small firms can benefit from economy of scale, as they may produce commodities that are less costly but in large volume.


Audretsch, D. B., & Thurik, A. R. (2004). A model of the entrepreneurial economy (No. 1204). Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy.

Li, J. J., & Zhou, K. Z. (2010). How foreign firms achieve competitive advantage in the Chinese emerging economy: Managerial ties and market orientation. Journal of Business Research, 63(8), 856-862.

Stangler, D. (2010). High-growth firms and the future of the American economy. Available at SSRN 1568246.

Vice, D. S., & Pitzler, M. E. (2000). Brown treesnake control: economy of scales.






















Learning Manufacturing

Leaning production is a commercial proposal to minimize waste in produced goods. And the ultimate goal is to reduce the cost by science through the manufacturing of goods and the assembly development through the use of a series business evaluation (Shah & Ward 2003). Lean production is a systematic technique that was first founded in the Japan production industry, for the reduction of waste around a production system without losing yield, which can cause harm. Furthermore, this was based on the critical insight of most of the products designed when major expenditures are already assigned (Melton 2005). The engineer recognizes natural, harmless, and useful materials and process rather the low-priced and capable ones. This helps in lowering the project threat, though the cost is put on the engineer.

The primary objectives of lean production industry are; developing a learn production enterprise which will facilitate the marketing and supplying of the products from the learn manufacturing industry (Feld 2000). Secondly, the lean manufacturing industry is keen on the environmental production, the industry is focusing on the applying lean in clean output and safe environment, and the last object is to help citizen and the government to understand the production principles in lean manufacturing and the benefits it has both to the environment and on the citizens. Additionally, lean focuses on some few major concepts, value, waste management, pull manufacturing, and involvement of the people and the concerned government. Some of the tools and methods employed by lean production industry are, value stream mapping for demarcation purposes, work balance, visual management, set-up minimization work organization and others (Pavnaskar, Gershenson, & Jambekar 2003). Some of the advantages of lean production include; reduction of cost by lowering the inventory levels. Second, there is a decrease in the transition among various designs, which takes approximately few minutes, hence helps in saving time, and lastly, lean production has a high flexibility and reaction to customer's inquiries because of the good transitions between different designs.

There is a need for proper planning, commitment, leaning, and funding so that that lean manufacturing can be implemented fully and its benefit realized by people.


Shah, R., & Ward, P. T. (2003). Lean manufacturing: context, practice bundles, and performance. Journal of operations management, 21(2), 129-149.

Melton, T. (2005). The benefits of lean manufacturing: what lean thinking has to offer the process industries Chemical engineering research and design, 83(6), 662-673.

Pavnaskar, S. J., Gershenson, J. K., & Jambekar, A. B. (2003). Classification scheme for lean manufacturing tools. International Journal of Production Research, 41(13), 3075-3090.

Feld, W. M. (2000). Lean manufacturing: tools, techniques, and how to use them. CRC press.
























Code of Ethics

Code of ethics is mainly found in major organization for providing guidance to the employees on organization principles, it is designed by an origination to facilitate professional conduct for employees on how to carry themselves at work with integrity (Schwartz 2002). Code of ethic file usually comprise of the mission and the values of an organization. Furthermore, it outlines how, the staffs are supposed to conduct themselves when approached by a challenge, which should be according to the core value of the organization, values, and standards to which high level of skilled staff are apprehended. On their hand, business ethics refers to the way in which ethical guide business processes (Ladd 2004). Such as the staff-boss relations, discrimination, bribery, employee performance, and social responsibilities. Code of ethic is found in both business and trade settings. And they are supposed to be followed by the employer and the employees because breaking them, leads to termination or dismissal from the company.

Most importantly, is regardless of the business or the organization size, the organization must have the code of ethics, because code of ethics has significant importance to an organization, for example, it clearly outlines the rules for behavior and warnings for every misconduct (Wotruba, Chonko & Loe 2001). Value-based code of Ethics, based on outfling the core value of an organization. It suggests, the normal responsible behavior of employees as they interact with the too-high free environment. Additionally, there is code of ethic between professionals for examples between a distribution officer in accompany and the managing director of the company, it outlines how the two should relate, and the two are regulated and bound together by the code of ethics (Butler 2002).This is a requirement by the law, and it also signifies loyalty that requires them to act appropriately to the interest of their career.

In summary code of ethics is very important in any organization, because it provides ground rules and direction on how the organization is supposed to operate, it also promotes a right working environment for both junior and senior employees. However, if the code of ethics is not well followed, it led to termination or even dismissal for an organization.


Schwartz, M. S. (2002). A code of ethics for corporatecode of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 41(1-2), 27-43.

Ladd, J. (2004). The Structure of a Moral Code: Navajo Ethics. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Wotruba, T. R., Chonko, L. B., & Loe, T. W. (2001). The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 33(1), 59-69.

Butler, I. (2002). A code of ethics for social work and social care research. British Journal of Social Work, 32(2), 239-248.


Rational Approach

Logical approach in decision making is an essential part of time managing. For instance, when planning for the day, someone does not supposed to be decisive and not dally over every activity. After making the decision on what is most vital, he has to follow those task very fast and professionally, embrace the best approach for making the best rational approach. As this will be a factor in the ability to carry out the job successfully.

Rational decision making employee's different techniques which have been proved useful for decision making (Scheinerman & Ullman 2011).First ,define the clarify the issue, check  whether the problem needs to be dealt with, you can then gather all the available facts about the issue, comprehend their origin, after that can now think about possible solutions of solving the problem, can they consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option, select the best one  and follow up the most suitable and implement (Cornish & Clarke 2014). Moreover, there is need to improve decision making. Then there is need to identify the types of jobs that need to be put aside and the excuses that arise; for example, finding that the situation is not worthy, thinking that, there comes a time when a person will leave the job. This may lead to the justification of the procrastination by finding something or a routine task to do in its place.

According to Beauregard & Leclerc (2007), activities by type are mostly effective time handling strategy, pleasant tasks are the one that are supposed to be handled fast, and this is the most original and effective method of handling unpleasant jobs, and the best way to do the task is to work on it. However, overpowering procrastination embraces, accepting that there is a problem which is real (Chajewska, Koller, Parr 2000, July). Some of the methods of proper decision making that will help to overcome procrastination is; tackling the worst job fast, can also breaking the work into small pieces, evening planning also helps and lastly making a job commitment in public place

To conclude, the application of the rational approach in decision making has excellent benefit for individuals and even in planning for the organization calendar of activities if well followed and practiced regularly.


Scheinerman, E. R., & Ullman, D. H. (2011). Fractional graph theory: a rational approach to the theory of graphs. Courier Corporation.

Cornish, D. B., & Clarke, R. V. (Eds.). (2014). The reasoning criminal: Rational choice perspectives on offending. Transaction Publishers.

Beauregard, E., & Leclerc, B. (2007). An application of the rational choice approach to the offending process of sex offenders: A closer look at the decision-making. Sexual Abuse, 19(2), 115-133.

Chajewska, U., Koller, D., & Parr, R. (2000, July). Making rational decisions using adaptive utility elicitation. In AAAI/IAAI (pp. 363-369).





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