Friday, November 8, 2019

week 2 discussion 1

Prevention of security breach.

The discussion of prevention is better than cure. It is also is more effective and also less expensive to prevent security breach than fixing one after an attack .This is because after an attack the company sure loses a lot of information that leads to incurred huge losses due to loss of valuable information . Cyber attacks happen very often and hence it's important to save the data from this attack which is less costly to put up some reinforcement in place in the system to ensure that data is protected.

Small businesses are especially at risk since they tend to think that they cannot incur a lot of cost during a security breach but they underestimate the cost of losses due the loss. Hence they may not employ experts to reinforce their systems against attack. This is because they lack the resources and technical know- how on how to prevent security breach.

Some of the cost that the companies have to incur after an attack include notification of the total cost including their customers lists consultant fee or more. The company also has to spend on forensic investigation to determine who caused the attack, this means paying a forensic investigator. The company incurs the cost of replacing cards and issuing new credit and debit cards to customers who had their data compromised. Another issue that has to be solved includes the cost of upgrading their systems in order to prevent the potential future breaches.

All these costs could have easily been prevented if only the company had initially put in place measures to prevent data breaches.



M Riaz, S Elder, L Williams.2016. Systematically developing prevention, detection, and response patterns for security requirements

IEEE 24th International




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