polygraph is a device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators such as pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions. Notably, a polygraph is also known as a lie detector. The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers. In some countries, polygraphs are used as an interrogation tool with criminal suspects or candidates for sensitive public or private sector employment. Remarkably, while polygraphs are used as lie detectors, they have their pros and cons. The following is the analysis of the pros and cons of polygraphs;
Pros of Polygraphs
Polygraphs set a new precedent for the use of truth verification technology as part of the interview and paved the way for future innovations. The polygraph community has a powerful lobby and loyal users. Polygraph evidence has been successfully admitted in court, and nineteen states allow polygraph testimony based on conditions unique to each state. The following are the pros of polygraphs;
Pre-employment Testing
A variety of standardized objective instruments may screen applicants for employment. These tools are designed to measure personality, aptitudes, interests, and achievements of potential employees. Test anxiety should be minimized, and coaching on how to achieve the desired results should be considered unethical (McCrie, 2015). Different types of test instruments are available to employers.
For some positions, prospective employers will wish to be assured that all reasonable efforts have been made to identify and assets relevant psychopathology in the applicant.
Polygraph testing is complex and constantly involves collaboration with a licensed psychologist trained in psychometric testing methods.
Identifies dishonesty amongst Interviewees Under the federal law, when using the polygraph to detect lies in a company, an employer can't use it unless there will be ongoing research in the company related with an actual loss. A polygraph test may expose a dishonest employee who is causing losses of failing the company (McCrie, 2015). When the employee is questioned about different aspects and dimensions in the company, they could let out information that could put them on the correct lane during local investigations in the company.
Family issues solving.
According to Meijer et al. (2015), polygraphs can be used to settle family issues and suspicions easily and quickly. Example, if a family member has been acting questionably or rather suspicious, either by abusing drugs or stealing. Polygraphs can help solve any doubt and allow a family to move on and heal while taking proper precautions so that the loved one at fault can receive the help they need or so that they can be able to deal with the losses caused by the loved one at fault in a case such as debt.
Indicates Warning
If the use of a polygraph is particularly stated clearly in company's or an industry's rules and regulations as part of anti-theft's program, it will act as a warning to all employees; it will help control temptations of cheating or lying in the company (Meijer et al., 2015). Similarly, all employees coming to the company should be highlighted of the terms and conditions given, so that they consciously choose if they will comply; polygraphs will not affect their performance, psyche or attitude at work.
Ease of Use
While some machines and technologies are cumbersome to use, polygraphs are easy to use. Notably, a shorter examination time is required. This follows the fact that the information analyzer just requires some few seconds to test on the validity of the data given by the interviewee. Additionally, polygraphs are characterized by strong portability. The interviewer only requires carrying a microphone attached to the interview subject.
High Accuracy
The functioning of polygraphs is based on the physiological responses that an interviewee might exhibit. Remarkably, the deceptive information comes with some physiological responses that a polygraph can easily decipher as lies. According to Meijer et al. (2015), human beings react differently according to different psychological environments. Communicating the truth is associated with different stimuli, that is, different physiological responses compared to communicating lies. While polygraphs can decipher lies from an interviewee's data, they have no recognizable countermeasures. Additionally, polygraphs are characterized by high accuracy rates as well as low error rates. Therefore, with less or no inconclusive results, polygraphs become a resourceful piece of equipment in lie detection.
Enhances effectiveness in industries and businesses
Industries and businesses are one of the most dependent users of polygraph tests. Notably, the businesses and industries seek to enhance both efficiency and effectiveness in their enterprise. Choosing candidates with required experience and skills as well as promoting honesty amongst the members of the enterprise is essential for the success of the industry or business. During recruiting of the employees, applicants might not be truthful. Some dishonesty would be noted in claiming to possess experience and skill relevant for the position in a quest to clinch the job opportunity.
According to Nelson (2015), the United States of America, had in the last decade, 24% of job seekers falsify or misrepresent their qualification during application of jobs. As a result, the American industries and businesses lost between six billion dollars to two hundred billion dollars annually. However, after the recommendation to use a polygraph test, dishonest job applicants have been successfully screened out. Therefore, effectiveness has been achieved in enterprises, thanks to polygraph tests which have helped ease the economic burden brought by dishonest job applicants.
Cons of Polygraphs
Destroys Employees Psyche
In a company or an industry where employees are suspected to be lying, and an innocent employee is subjected to polygraph, they tend to feel they are not trusted, or they may feel threatened. This will affect their entire working, ranging from their attitude to psyche of performing their tasks at work (Raskin et al., 2014). The employee may feel uncomfortable hence may lead to a failure in the use of the polygraph by an employer. When an honest employee is subjected to polygraph, it tends to cause a lack of motivation to the other employees. When employees are not motivated, the company may suffer large losses or may collapse. Lack of motivation to work in the company will make the employees produce less or increase rates of absenteeism.
Wrong results.
Polygraphs may produce mixed results when an employee is subjected to a polygraph test; they tend to have flagged answers because they were afraid of the test, and their physical reactions may be misread by machine. The industry may waste a lot of time trying to follow up investigations in a wrong line based on false information in internal investigation accusing an innocent employee wrongly of mischief or indiscipline following wrong results of positive on a polygraph (Nelson, 2015). Wrong accusations will destroy the employee's morale and psyche for the job; they can as well have a legit and legal way of a lawsuit against their employers.
Improvement in countermeasures
While polygraphs detect lies from the physiological responses that people give when being interviewed, people have learned ways to get off the hook. Indication of the lies has been easily tweaked through understanding how the polygraph work. Some people are aware of what physiological responses are given by human bodies when they lie. With such knowledge at their disposal, people can psychologically condition their bodies to respond with confidence, with short processing time for the information required (Raskin et al., 2014). Having this done, the efficiency of the polygraph is greatly minimized. This follows the fact that lie detection, which is based on certain physiological responses, is counteracted by the human psychological ability to respond to stimuli as conditioned.
Final Thought
While polygraphs are useful in lie detections, they come with their advantages and disadvantages. Notably, their advantages include usability to smoke our lies in interrogations, thus helping in solving issues. Additionally, polygraphs have helped industries and businesses improve their effectiveness, thanks to the reduction of job applicants who present false qualifications. However, with many people getting aware of polygraphs and how they function, countermeasures have been easily devised to have liars get off the hook during interviews.
McCrie, R. (2015). Security operations management. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Meijer, E. H., & Verschuere, B. (2015). The polygraph: Current practice and new approaches. Detecting deception: Current challenges and cognitive approaches, 59-80.
Nelson, R. (2015). Scientific basis for polygraph testing. Polygraph, 41(1), 21-61.
Raskin, D. C., & Kircher, J. C. (2014). Validity of polygraph techniques and decision method
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