Nursing Leadership
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Question one
Through leadership, it is possible to set policies and guidelines that govern the operation of every activity within the field. Nursing is one of the major technical fields, professional leadership has always played an important role in ensuring that there is the delivery of quality services to the patients. However, professional leadership in nursing has faced several challenges and barriers which has limited delivery of better leadership services. Nevertheless, the challenges should not lead to the eradication of leadership in the nursing industry, they should, however, provide a propelling force towards offering the best leadership. People have different ideas, during decision making, each person would want his or her idea to be considered and when that is not done, there may rise unnecessary quarrels within the organization. Thompson et al. (2004), acknowledges that this is a major challenge that professional leaders face, he advises that each person be allowed to explain more about his or her idea and through that, it will be easy to merge all ideas and come up with a concrete solution.
Question two
In the health care industry, nursing is the largest profession, in this profession research shows that there are more women than men. Unfortunately, during policymaking, the nursing profession has often lacked enough representation this makes other medical practitioners make policies that all nurses are supposed to adhere to. Gender bias has always been a great issue for human beings to deal with. Women are considered weak and vulnerable, often their ideas are ignored and thus they lack the morale of presenting concrete ideas that could change the face of the nursing profession (MacKusick & Minick, 2010). Thus, the main problem has been ignorance since other medical practitioners especially male have ignored the ideas raised by women making the nursing profession lack representation during policymaking.
Thompson, C., Cullum, N., McCaughan, D., Sheldon, T., & Raynor, P. (2004). Nurses, information use, and clinical decision making—the real-world potential for evidence-based decisions in nursing. Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(3), 68-72.
MacKusick, C. I., & Minick, P. (2010). Why are nurses leaving? Findings from an initial qualitative study on nursing attrition. Medsurg Nursing, 19(6).
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